If you do a lot of work with simulators, its easier to just persistently enable multiextent: add the following: localcli system module load -m multiextent to this file: /etc/rc.local.d/local.sh right before this line: exit 0 Credit to William Lam: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2013/05/executing-commands-during-boot-up-in.html
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That sounds acheivable. Is it a dual chassis config? The big chunks are documented, but you'd have to fill in some pieces. The Active/Active configuration guide has a section on converting an HA pair into two standalone controllers. https://library.netapp.com/ecmdocs/ECMM1278394/html/aaconfig/GUID-9CBC4B10-4B60-4E5A-A103-4DC7617EEFD0.html Once you have two standalone controllers the migration should be straightforward. Then follow the docs on converting a single node cluster into a 2 node switchless. Along the way you'll need all new license keys, cluster network adapters, etc. And you'll be a panic away from an outage the entire time. Lots of potential gotchas, so talk to support if you're seriously considering it.
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to run the two nodes on different physical hosts the e0a/e0b interfaces would need to be bridged, and those hosts would need to be sitting in the same L2 domain. The IPs are going to be in the autoassign 169. range and that traffic cant route. The e0c/e0d management/data interfaces would also need to be bridged, but given valid IPs on that L2 subnet so you can managge the cluster and pass it data. It a bit easier to do on ESX and split the traffic out on different vlans, but should work on workstation if you bridge all the adapters and have the hosts hardwired into the same network.
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Creating SSD pools doesn't appear to work, and attempting it does seem to intermittently crash the sim. I get a debug message in the log and a timeout failure on the job. The debug event reads: raid.debug: raid_lm_disk_partition_create: v2.16 state: RAID_LM_FSM_NEEDS_CNTR_ASSIM Maybe its expecting the partner to be present.
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If you don't actually need to pass traffic all the FC config can be done in the 8.3 sim. It has simulated FC ports. You can build an FC SVM with FC/FCOE lifs, portsets, igroups, luns, etc. If you need to actually pass FC traffic you'll have to invest in some gear, but just about everything else can be done with VMs. If you need FC, you'd be looking at the 2552. At ~50dba and ~500w, you might not want one running under your desk.
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The two cluster network ports are use for the back-end cluster networking between nodes. Most clusters have at least two nodes but single node configurations are supported. The mgmt1 interface is specific to that node. Each node will have its own mgmt1 interface. These are used when you must manage a particular node but for whatever reason can't do it through the cluster management interface. Cluster_mgmt is a cluster wide mgmt interface. It can move to any node within the cluster. Generally, this is the interface you would use for cli and gui access to the cluster. Are you trying to build 2 single node clusters, or are you trying to build a single 2 node cluster?
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Next you must create a storage virtual machine. Maybe start with the express guise https://library.netapp.com/ecm/ecm_download_file/ECMP1547459 If the protocols aren't available in the svm creation workflow, then you have installed licenses for the wrong system serial number.
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Very interesting work. Old versions can be useful from time to time. Here's 8.1.1: http://mysupport.netapp.com/cgi-bin/simulatorlic8.cgi/download/tools/simulator/ontap/8.1.1/vsim-DOT811-7m.tgz http://mysupport.netapp.com/cgi-bin/simulatorlic8.cgi/download/tools/simulator/ontap/8.1.1/vsim-DOT811-cm.tgz http://mysupport.netapp.com/cgi-bin/simulatorlic8.cgi/download/tools/simulator/ontap/8.1.1/vsim-DOT811-7m-esx.tgz http://mysupport.netapp.com/cgi-bin/simulatorlic8.cgi/download/tools/simulator/ontap/8.1.1/vsim-DOT811-cm-esx.tgz
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Did you expand the volume as well, or just add them to the aggr? The panic is in VHA_DISK_MAIN. VHA is Virtual Host Adapter, which is the data disk model used in the standard vsims. so its related to the FOD simdisk code, hence still thinking its a vol full or related problem with the simdisk subsystem. I'd rebuild with 4gb sim disks. Seems stable enough at that size.
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You can also add disks from the loader. See my post here: http://community.netapp.com/t5/Developer-Network-Articles-and-Resources/Building-and-Customizing-NetApp-Simulators/ta-p/87157
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Where are you when you are trying to enter the systemshell? It should work from from the boot menu or from the cluster shell at the diag priviledge level.
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Try it from outside the lan/vpn. I've seen chatter before where it worked from the internet but was corrupted when downloaded from the WAN.
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The vloader lacks the saveenv command, so changes are not actually committed until later in the boot process. I think you have to get to at least the boot menu for anything to stick. Try booting, then ctrl-C, then pick reboot and see if that sticks. If you're trying to make a template, a bunch of stuff will have happened by then so you might need to take a different approach.
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Although the ram/VNVRAM sizing is much larger on the new sim, the default simdisk inventory is still 28x1gb drives. 8.3 lives for about a day on a 1gb root volume. 4gb is survivable. Either add disks to the root or rebuild with 4gb disks. If you plan to keep it around it will need more space. I think the 'min' is around 27gb but I've had some running on 15 with only non fatal complaints in the logs.
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Found it. Stale cache. Interesting updates. Structurally, vnvram is in full mode (persistent) with 256m, and the VM has 5gb allocated. Still VHA, single node, etc. Fake mode vnvram is what was killing vsim upgrades, and it was guarenteed to crater with less than 2gb. So the sizing seems much more reasonable. A single node footprint for a laptop install should still function on ~2gb with 64mb vnvram. But it will panic occassionally if you go too skinny or add more nodes. Was hoping to see HA. Wonder if it still works...
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A disposable AD for a lab is pretty simple to set up. Which versions of windows server do you have at your disposal? Its basically: 1. install windows server 2. give it a static IP address 3. Run DCpromo and follow the wizard I'm sure someone one youtube has a walkthrough.
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There are version checks in the install scripts, so even going the destructive route and running it all from option 7 some of those hops are probably going to be enforced. I put the mode switch after 8.2.1 because cdot 8.1.x is a whole other set of license keys you don't need. You will still have to wipe after getting to 8.3 for partitioning to kick in.
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You'll have to hop. 8.1->8.1.4, then 8.1.4->8.2.1+. Then do the mode conversion/wipe, then finally 8.2.1+->8.3rc1. Just make sure you get your 8.2+ feature keys and your cluster base key before you start.
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