It's probably DOvM20 Can you post: system node run -node local sysconfig -av You are already exceeding the attached disk capacity limit for the evaluation models. If you remove one of the 1tb spares from the system the command will likely succeed.
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I think you missed a step: vsim821custom> options licensed_feature.snaplock_enterprise.enable on vsim821custom> date 0917 Sat Apr 19 09:17:00 PDT 2014 vsim821custom> Sat Apr 19 09:17:00 PDT [vsim821custom:telnet_0:info]: Time changed (via "date") to Sat Apr 19 09:17:00 PDT 2014 Sat Apr 19 09:17:00 PDT []: The date or time used by the system has changed. A discrepancy between system date or time and Snapshot copy schedule can result in missing or delayed scheduled Snapshot copies. vsim821custom> date Sat Apr 19 09:17:08 PDT 2014 vsim821custom> snaplock clock initialize *** WARNING: YOU ARE INITIALIZING THE SECURE COMPLIANCE CLOCK *** You are about to initialize the secure Compliance Clock of this system to the current value of the system clock. This procedure can be performed ONLY ONCE on this system so you should ensure that the system time is set correctly before proceeding. The current local system time is: Sat Apr 19 09:17:14 PDT 2014 Is the current local system time correct? y Are you REALLY sure you want initialize the Compliance Clock? y vsim821custom> Sat Apr 19 09:17:23 PDT [vsim821custom:snaplock.sys.compclock.set:info]: The compliance clock time of the system has been set to 'Sat Apr 19 09:17:14 PDT 2014' due to the reason 'initialized by administrator'.
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I'm not with NetApp, so I don't know what they have planned for future releases. I'd love to see HA come back to the sims. It would be great to be able to show off NDO, aggr relocate, various NDU scenarios, etc. I'm fairly certain it works internally, but none of my attempts to set it up in a sim have been entirely successful.
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Edge is tuned for production workloads and has support. The vsim is optimized for test & dev. Some of that tuning includes: Fixed sizing requirements (ram, vcpu count, etc) Virtual SAS disk subsystem RAID0 - leveraging physical raid controller for redundancy VNVRAM - leveraging physical raid controller BBWC no CPU halt on idle ESX is a requirement, desktop hypervisors will not work. and features that don't work in a VM are disabled (fc commands, etc)
... View more Along with minor updates to the install guide. Still no HA, still has an unsupported sparse disk format in the ESX build, and still missing the pcibridge code in the vmx.
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Nice. Good to know what happened. I've upgraded several vsims to 821ga. I'm using the v_image since I don't need all the firmware binaries in the vsim. How did you figure it out?
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I just did an upgrade on one that started life as 8.2.1rc1, and was upgraded to 8.2.1rc2. Ugraded with the regular q image to 8.2.1ga and seems to be working fine. License show is good. Did yours start life on 8.1.x or 8.2.x? and does it work again if you revert to rc2?
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Try adding a PCI bridge to your vmx file. It's best to perform this step before uploading it to ESX. Add the following lines to the middle of the vmx file: pciBridge0.present = "TRUE" pciBridge4.present = "TRUE" pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" pciBridge4.functions = "8" pciBridge5.present = "TRUE" pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" pciBridge5.functions = "8" pciBridge6.present = "TRUE" pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" pciBridge6.functions = "8" pciBridge7.present = "TRUE" pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" pciBridge7.functions = "8"
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Dedupe doesn't change the size of the files. That number should represent the size of the files, regardless of dedupe. Space savings from dedupe appears at the volume level. Enabling compression has two predictable effects. The CPU load on your controllers will increase, and the disk utilization will decrease. By how much either way is an "it depends" conversation. Its usually transparent to the end user unless the controllers are overloaded. As the storage admin, thats a judgement call only you can make. Since these are backup copies, why not put them in a separate volume? You could test the storage efficiency from enabling dedupe and compression without impacting your production nas volume.
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Thats a non-dedupe representation of the space used by the files. Based on what you are saying, it depends on how many weeks of backup copies you keep. If the files never changed, and they dedupe perfectly, it would take 20 weeks to break even with a 95% compression rate give or take some dedupe yield if the files happen to have identical aligned 4k blocks within them. Have you considered enabling compression on that volume? If the files compress that well, compression+dedupe may be the winning combination. Then think about making snapshot copies instead of backup copies.
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Here's an example: vSim was originally built with sn:4034389062, I'll change it to 4079432753. (Need to stick to serial numbers with published license key sets) From the VLOADER> Set the new serial number in both places: setenv bootarg.nvram.sysid 4079432753 setenv SYS_SERIAL_NUM 4079432-75-3 If I boot now, I'll see: WARNING: System id mismatch. This usually occurs when replacing CF or NVRAM cards! Override system id? {y|n} [n] pick y Now you'll get a system panic: PANIC: Can't find device with WWN 0x1649431296. Remove '/sim/dev/,disks/,reservations' and restart Don't panic, lets do that: reboot again, this time Ctrl-C to bring up the boot menu When the boot menu appears, type: systemshell now we're in the systemshell, aka the BSD shell Enter the command: rm /sim/dev/,disks/,reservations poof, no more reservations. But we still need to reassign disk ownership to our new vsim sysid. So exit the systemshell: exit and now you're back at the boot menu, so its option 5 - Maintenance mode when you eventually get to the *> prompt, type: disk assign all halt Then reboot the sim, and it should be up and running on the new sysid. All you have left is to apply the corresponding license keys for the serial number.
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Edge-T can be a snapmirror destination (thats T as in Target). The biggest limitation is the 10tb attached disk limit, which is more like 8.5tb usable, for Edge-T or the Edge Premium bundle.
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You won't see the .snapshot folder on an iSCSI datastore, but even if you could it wouldn't be a good indicator of the size of the snapshot, much less the size of each vm's snapshot. You can see the size of the snapshot of the volume containing the lun in System Manager. If you mount it, you could see the vm snapshots but those are transient, and only used to quiesce the guest file systems prior to taking the hardware snap of the volume containing the LUN.
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Glad you got it working. The env file is a remnant of the build process, and not actually used by the simulator. A copy of it lives on the boot device, DataONTAP.vmdk - historically a compactflash card, and represents the initial boot environment for the simulator. If you are going to make changes, such as modifying the serial, switching modes or adjusting the simdisk inventory, its best to catch the very first boot. During the first boot, the nvram is discarded, /var is populated, and /sim is populated with simdisks. If you miss the first window and have problems its easier to start over with clean files than it is to reset and re-arm those initialization processes.
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Did you start with a fresh copy of the sim? Try replacing the cf vmdk and var vmdk with clean copies from the tgz. I wish they would ship it with autoboot turned off.
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If the structure of the sim VM didn't change across releases you can generally pull off an upgrade if you can obtain the upgrade .tgz. They aren't published, but if you've ever replaced a failed CF boot device, obtaining one is pretty much that procedure in reverse.
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There is a master key for DSM now. If you have access to the software download page you may find it in the master keys link on that page.
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In this version, it fails to fdisk a blank ad3 (I usually replace mine and size it for my simdisk load). Typically if the vmdk is blank ontap will partition it at boot before running makedisks. In this version fdisk fails, even interactively from the systemshell. The fix seems to be to set kern.geom.debugflags=16, then fdisk by hand to prep ad3.
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Thats actually explained really well in the Network Management Guide, for example, see page 95 of this version: Short version: Multi is 802.3ad(static). Think LACP without the CP.
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The service is there and it seems to work, but anything FC dependent is obviously not going to work. NDMP checks in DFM look good, what were you wanting to do?
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It turns out booting into option 7 is a much faster way to do it. The only issue there is the default ramdisk used for install is too small for the image. So I bumped my vm ram to 2gb, then set this bootarg: setenv bootarg.install.ramdisksize 1024m From there did a boot into option 7 and the upgrade only took a few minutes.
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