There are several sets posted on the simulator download page. Collect the license files for 8.2 and 8.2.1 in both 7 mode and C mode and you should have 9 sets to play with.
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Something is wrong with that instance. Probably best to start over clean from the original .tgz file. If it happens again from a clean start tell me what you are doing step by step. Reproducing that could be interesting.
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The simulator ships with the equivalent of blank hard drives, so you have to install ONTAP. (Boot menu, option 4). Shipping it that way minimizes the size of the download and makes it easier to customize, but I wish they would disable autoboot in the stock ENV file. On actual hardware that would usually be performed by the factory but its good to know how to do it. Its all explained pretty well in the documentation which you can find on the Simulate ONTAP download page, or here:
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Picking through the vmx could identify device 16. Sometimes the serial ports cause cloning problems. Try removing them. I posted instruction some time ago for creating a new clean vmx file. Its a pretty basic freebsd plus a handful of advanced configuration parameters in the vmx. Its not a good vm from a linked clone perspective. The longer its on the bigger the delta disks will get until it fills the -sim.vmdk on each clone. Here are the instructions for building a new vmx: 1. Create a new VM, of type FreeBSD (x64), 2vCPUs, 1600MB RAM, 6 NICs, and NO Hard drives 2. Add the DataONTAP.vmdk on IDE 0:0 3. Add the DataONTAP-var.vmdk on IDE0:1 4. Add the DataONTAP-vnvram.vmdk on IDE1:0 5. Add the DataONTAP-sim.vmdk on IDE1:1 6. Add the following options to the .vmx file by hand, or as configuration parameters in ESX (vm-editsettings->options->Advanced/general->Configuration Parameters->Add row: monitor_control.pseudo_perfctr = "TRUE" pciHole.start = "3072" timeTracker.forceMonotonicTTAT = "TRUE" monitor_control.disable_tsc_offsetting = "TRUE" monitor_control.disable_rdtscopt_bt = "TRUE"
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I would have at least one per vcenter, although you could just use one. You would probably be better off with one per location. The actual ontap-v ovf file is embedded in the installer, which gets pushed out during the vm setup wizard.
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Interesting things happen during the first boot. Some of it happens in /var, which persists across a 4/4a. A bootmenu->wipeconfig may clear it out. But you'd be better off starting clean. Change the serial & sysid first (very first boot), then go into the systemshell and change the disk population. The easy way though is to catch the first boot, set the mode, set the serial, set the sysid, arm vdevinit with the desired disk population, then let it boot.
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SNMP is not enabled by default in CDOT. Use the admin credentials to add it to system manager. Use a 3.x release of system manager. Once in you can enable snmp and drop in your community strings and trap hosts from the gui. CLI is always an option as well.
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That is not an eval license, that is a permanent license for the 7 mode simulators. Are you trying to put the simulator in evaluation mode, or are you looking for a CIFS eval key for some really old gear?
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Depends on where the eval came from and which version of ONTAP its running. The public eval is keyed differently than other 7mode systems, and it only takes eval keyes cut for the eval build of edge. Your partner or netapp SE should be able to help you out.
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Can you run an upgrade in the sim? Yes, if you can get an appropriate image.tgz file. The regular q_image.tgz works on 8.2RC1 and later, but the v_image.tgz is a better fit if you have an edge entitlement. Is there a lot of value in it from a training perspective? Not so much. Since the vsims are non-ha, running an NDU scenario isn't possible. All the associated steps, firmware upgrades, bios updates, SP updates, etc don't apply to a sim. A single node 7mode upgrade is 3 commands, and only slightly more interesting in Cmode. Its still useful form a testing perspective. You could apply a specific version to replicate an issue, or to test a version specific feature or fix.
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Thats exactly right. The VM requirements are fixed, the server minimums include the extra overhead needed for the hypervisor and the dvadmin tool used in the non-eval version.
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The resource requirements are very specific. It must have 2 vCPU and 4GB of ram assigned to the VM. No more, no less. The production Edge models are the same. 7 mode Edge/Edge-T/Edge Premium are 2vCPU/4GB, The Clustered Ontap model requires 2vCPU/8GB.
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Thats a little light, even for the eval. Edge fully consumes 2 cores and 4gb of ram, and the host needs some overhead. You really need 4 cores and 8gb ram in the host for Edge to run optimally. Edge does not issue CPU HLT instructions on idle, so it is expected that the CPU cores used by the edge vCPUs will sit at 100%. In the non-eval version, 2 full cores of CPU cycles are reserved for Edge during install, along with a 4G RAM reservation (8GB for CDOT). DVadmin will also refuse to initialize the VM if power management is not disabled on the host. To get the best sense of how edge will perform it would be a good idea to replicate these conditions in the eval, and run it on a host with a supported raid controller and local disk configuration.
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Hard to say, really. Leaving it trimmed to 512 may give ontap more ram for caching which should help performance Leaving it trimmed to 512 may cause additional swap activity which should hurt performance All the jumbo 4gb vSIMs I've seen have it set to 760.
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If you gave your vsim 4gb, you can set that value to 760 or just unset it. It restricts the ram available to the bsd environment to keep ontap functional when its only got the default 1600mb to work with.
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vSIM HA is not supported. NetApp has it working internally, but they've never published how to set it up. To get it working you would need: -Persistent VNVRAM -Shared access to the disks from both VMs -An RDMA HA interconnect between the VMs The first is easy, the second is complicated, and the third I have no idea how to do.
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Whats the output of: options snmp.enable system snmp show system services firewall policy show -policy * -service snmp Strange things also happen when root gets full so check these too: df -h storage aggregate show
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When you change the serial number on the second node, be sure to change it to one of the serial numbers listed in one of the 8.2.x simulator license files. Multiple simulators are absolutely possible, you just have to use serial numbers with published license key sets. There are at least 9 sets available, more if you've been paying attention to the RCs. You can use serials/keys from both the 7mode and Cmode list. The feature keys are node-locked to a serial number. They aren't really 7mode/Cmode specific, except for the cluster base key which doesn't apply to 7mode anyway.
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Sure, but some hand editing of the vmx is required. To add more nics, you need more PCI slots. To get more PCI slots, you need a PCI bridge. Add the following snippet to your .vmx file. pciBridge0.present = "TRUE" pciBridge4.present = "TRUE" pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" pciBridge4.functions = "8" pciBridge5.present = "TRUE" pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" pciBridge5.functions = "8" pciBridge6.present = "TRUE" pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" pciBridge6.functions = "8" pciBridge7.present = "TRUE" pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" pciBridge7.functions = "8" This works best on a clean never-booted vmx file. If you get PCI slot errors after adding this code, change the slot number of the problematic devices to -1, which tells the hyper visor to pick an open slot at boot.
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The 7.x simulator was a completely different architecture. The 7.x sim runs both instances of ontap as separate processes on a single linux system. It was able to simulate HA because both processes can share the same disks and both have access to the same ram so spoofing RDMA with DMA wouldn't have been a big challenge. In 8.x the simulator is based on DataONTAP-v, so each instance runs it its own VM without the layer of linux underneath. Its a much more realistic simulation but makes HA more challenging to pull off. What that means for you, is you need to read the 7.x simulator install guide so you can build a linux VM to run it on. Its didn't ship as a standalone VM, so you have to build your own.
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