My customer is evaluating edge and get's this error.
What goes wrong?
vf-ams-cmod01::> aggr create -aggregate agg02 -diskcount 1
[Job 75] Job is queued: Create agg02.
Error: command failed: [Job 75] Job failed: Failed to create aggregate agg02 on
vf-ams-cmod01-01. Reason: Cannot perform the operation because the
maximum capacity for this system type would be exceeded.
vf-ams-cmod01::system license> show
Serial Number: 1-80-000023
Owner: vf-ams-cmod01
Package Type Description Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
Base license Cluster Base License -
Serial Number: 1-81-0000000000000000000000023
Owner: none
Package Type Description Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
NFS license NFS License -
CIFS license CIFS License -
iSCSI license iSCSI License -
SnapRestore license SnapRestore License -
SnapMirror license SnapMirror License -
FlexClone license FlexClone License -
SnapVault license SnapVault License -
8 entries were displayed.
vf-ams-cmod01::system license> aggr show
Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
agg01 44.27GB 3.02GB 93% online 3 vf-ams-cmod01-01 raid0,
aggr0 47.82GB 2.65GB 94% online 1 vf-ams-cmod01-01 raid0,
2 entries were displayed.
vf-ams-cmod01::system license> disk show
Usable Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Position Aggregate Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ----------- ---------- --------- --------
53.15GB - - aggregate data aggr0 vf-ams-cmod01-01
49.21GB - - aggregate data agg01 vf-ams-cmod01-01
1000.0GB - - spare present - vf-ams-cmod01-01
1000.0GB - - spare present - vf-ams-cmod01-01
4 entries were displayed.