dragon26z wrote: Yes it shouldn't but it does... no case has been opened yet In the ApplianceWatch Log there i can see that it is trying to authenticate but as i said this happens in my network and not in the Customer Network where the filer is. On the Filer itself there is no authentication attempt cuz AppWatch doesnt use the Gateway system ApplianceWatch Log there i can see that it is trying to authenticate - Does this mean you're getting authentication errors? On the Filer itself there is no authentication attempt cuz AppWatch doesnt use the Gateway system - You should see authentication logs regardless of AppWatch using the gateway SCOM node as it still needs to authenticate. As a test to see if its authentication issues, you can try to add the account used in SCOM to the local administrators group on the storage array. Minimum requirements for user credentials: User must be in the SCOM administrators group for SCOM and in the local administrators group on the storage. If user is in the domain admin group and filer is in same domain then nothing else is required.
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I don't think you need to be concerned with that as long as the mountpoints or drive letters match up. Each node in the cluster could have different volume/lun settings so you may see a difference.
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What protocol are you using? HTTP or HTTPS? It looks more like a connectivity issue rather then authentication. Check to see if you can access filerview from the same box Http & Https, if yes then the ports are ok. Try removing the storage array from the discovered inventory Close SCOM once you remove everything and use the /ClearCache flag. Open the Operations console by using the /ClearCache switch. For example, run the following command at a command prompt: microsoft.mom.ui.console.exe /clearcache Now restart the entire process of adding the storage array. Here is a link to the AppWatch BPG that has a quick start section that should help. ApplianceWatch PRO 2.1.1 Best Practice Guide
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You'll need SNMP, HTTP or HTTPS open on the firewall. SNMP is for discovery of the storage arrays via SCOM's discovery wizard HTTP or HTTPS for AppWatch discovery and monitoring. If the controllers are using AD authentication then you'll also need those ports open otherwise you'll need to add local users.
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ApplianceWatch™ PRO 2.1.1 is an enterprise-class storage monitoring application that simplifies storage management and increases tools available to SCOM administrators for NetApp® storage controllers. Following are the key features of ApplianceWatch PRO 2.1.1: • Easy storage management for Windows® and NetApp storage administrators • Monitor all elements of IT infrastructure (single pane of glass from MMC) • Simplify distributed NetApp storage system monitoring • Isolate problems quickly using alerts • Troubleshoot performance issues using performance views • Minimize downtime, shorten time to resolution, and provide autorecovery tools in a virtualized environment • Rapidly provision and clone VMs using the cmdlets
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Appwatch shouldn't crash the software. Please open a GSC support ticket if you haven't done so already as we'll need to collect the logs. To see if its even trying to authenticate with the storage node, check out the messages log via filerview or rdfile the logs. If its trying to authentice, appwatch will produce logs. If you don't see anything there, take a look at the Microsoft Event Logs - one called Operations Manager and ApplianceWatch logs.
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Hi Pete, Officially we haven't tested in multi-node gateway environments and currently only support installs on the Root Management Server. With that said, I've seen it in other customers sites similar to your config and working with no issues. If you haven't done so already, you may want to open a ticket with NGS to get the case logged in case it is a product feature problem. When you SNMP discover the arrays, does the ontap version and other info get populated in the details view of the controllers? Are you getting an error when adding the storage credentials? Not able to add?
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Hi Donald, Also please confirm the steps in my post above. If you've changed the passwords since installation, you may need to recheck and reenter the passwords in SCOM. Go to the action account and reenter the credentials. Run manual discovery of AppWatch from discovered inventory.
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Hi Donald, I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I've got Scott working on our next concall to work on this issue. It may be a setting within SCOM that needs to be flipped and will see if dev/qa has any comments on this. Thanks, Alla
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Hi Masaru, IMT shows 6.2 and needs to be updated. I don't see any reason why 6.3 wouldn't work as well but can't confirm. Will see if we can get somebody to chime in here.
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Thanks for chiming in Keith. I think these are the burts you might be referring to. http://now.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=325345 http://now.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=364605
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Do you have a support ticket open for this issue? Please open a case so they can start requesting logs and have the issue documented. If you can msg or email me the case # I can get our Snanpdrive dev/qa team to take a look at this issue.
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Unfortunately https isn't supported due to a vfiler limitation. There has been some discussions about adding ssl support internally but not sure about the details of this as this is a storage core function. Without the SSL I'm afraid there won't be any encryption options available. There is a feature of vfiler tunneling which I read about but having difficulty finding more info about this but don't think this will work in this case for Snapdrive.
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The NetApp Communities (here) are also a great source of many experts both internal and external to NetApp. If you run into any problems, open a case with support to have the info documented and post a question here to see if others are having similar problems or have any resolutions.
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If you're not getting anything in the AppWatch logs then its not working. Check the SNMP settings on the filer and on your SCOM host. Here's a snippet from the AppWatch BPG which will be released soon. For OnTap versions below 7.3, only SNMP version V1 will be supported.. For OnTap version 7.3 and above - SNMP V3 and SNMP V2C will be supported. Using SNMP Version V1 will discover all filers in the environment. 1.1 BEST PRACTICES FOR APPLIANCEWATCH PRO QUICK START Configuring SCOM and SCVMM to work correctly with ApplianceWatch PRO involves several steps. The following list shows a list of general steps required for getting ApplianceWatch PRO to function properly. For more specific details, please refer to the ApplianceWatch PRO 2.1.1 Installation and Administration Guide. ApplianceWatch PRO Quick Start Guide:[d1] 1. SCOM Installation a. Review the SCOM Installation Guide for requirements. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb309428.aspx b. SCOM Reporting – SCOM Reporting Module installation required. c. SCVMM – SCVMM installation with SCOM integration, and enabling PRO Tips. d. Determine that all installation requirements have been fulfilled and confirm proper functionality prior to proceeding with ApplianceWatch PRO installation. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for SCOM, SCVMM, or Reporting for more details: http://www.microsoft.com/systemcenter/en/us/default.aspx 2. ApplianceWatch PRO Installation – Download from the NetApp Support site (formerly NOW ™ ) a. Install ApplianceWatch PRO. i. Run ApplianceWatch PRO executable on SCOM server. b. Import the ApplianceWatch PRO Management Packs into SCOM. i. Open SCOM, Administration, right-click on Management Packs, select Import Management Packs. c. Discover Network Devices. i. Open SCOM, Administration, Click “Discovery wizard,” and discover Network Devices. ii. Determine that SNMP is set up appropriately on the Windows server running SCOM and on NetApp storage prior to running Network Device Discovery. d. Add NetApp Storage Controller. i. After Network Device Discovery is complete, go to Monitoring, Discovered Inventory (determine that Discovered Inventory scope is set to Management Server), select “Data ONTAP: Add Controller.” e. Add NetApp Storage Credentials. i. Select “Data ONTAP: Manage Controller Credentials” (determine that user credentials have appropriate roles and capabilities assigned; see Section 2.4 for minimum roles and capabilities). f. Enable Discovery. i. Go to Authoring, Management Pack Objects, Rules, Filter & Look For: “Data ONTAP: Discovery Rule” under Management Server (not Data ONTAP Management server). Enable Data ONTAP Discovery Rule, Data ONTAP PRO Discovery Rule, and Data ONTAP MetroCluster Discovery Rule if the respective management packs are installed and configured. ii. Right-click Rule, select Overrides, Override the Rule, for all objects of class: Management Server, select Override for “Enabled,” and set Override Value to “True.” Follow the best practice for overrides in Section 2.7 and save all ApplianceWatch PRO overrides to a new management pack. g. PRO Environments. i. Install ApplianceWatch PRO Agent on all Hyper-V hosts managed by SCVMM and if monitoring is required by ApplianceWatch PRO. h. Enable PRO Tips. i. From SCVMM, Administration, General, PRO Settings, check Enable PRO Tips. ii. Enable PRO Tips for the appropriate host group(s): From SCVMM, hosts, select host group, properties, PRO, check Enable PRO on this Host Group.
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