Some features (like multipathing) can be only configured via snapmirror.conf. In this case it is possible to disable scheduled update there and use manual updates as well.
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Out of curiosity - do you have any reference? I dug out CSB-0907-03, but it says exactly the same - no 3 m for 4G; it does not say anything about different 0.5m cables.
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IIRC long (3 m) cables are not qualified for 4G; short (0,5 m) are. Additionally, NetApp did bit support copper cables for controller to shelf connection (with exception of FAS270).
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You need to pay attention to port names. If they change, to you may need to adjust /etc/rc to reflect changes. Same applies to FCP adapters.
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Head swap retains all configuration. The only thing that may change is LUN serial numbers; you may want to record them and set back if they changed after head swap.
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3240 is supported by 7G, so it is easy head swap (for a suitable definition of "easy" ). 1. Relocate root volume to external shelves 2. Make sure to update 2050 to the latest 7.3.7 just in case 3. Connect shelves to 3240 4. NetBoot! 3240 using the same 7.3.7 version. Alternatively you can boot empty 3240 once to check preinstalled DOT version in maintenance mode. Do not boot from 3240 boot device if it contains DOT 8.x. 5. Reassign disks in maintenance mode 6. NetBoot the same 7.3.7 again, now normally 7. Finally update to your target version You may need to check LUN serial numbers, they can change. If you have ha system, you need destroy mailboxes in maintenance mode.
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It depends what messages are when it restarts. It may mean some boot options are screwed up or it may also mean it is not installed. Where does it come from? Is it new system from factory? Please enable terminal log and paste all messages after you press 1 until it reboots again.
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SnapMirror is intended for replication and SnapVault for backup. You can use SnapMirror to achieve the same as SnapVault does, it just automates several steps making it more convenient. Also you can revert SnapMirror but cannot revert SnapVault. You can read more in NetApp documentation.
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SMtape is “SnapMirror to tape” - it is block based copy of the whole volume to tape. It is more efficient than file based NDMP (actually, dump); downside is, you can restore only the whole volume, not individual files. So it is more a disaster protection than day to day backup. I know that NetBackup supports it; cannot say about BackupExec. SnapVault is NetApp “incremental forever” replication between two volumes. It is block based so is not affected by number of files. It transfers difference between previous and current snapshot to destination and optionally creates snapshots on destination side. But it requires extra license.
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Initial stage of NDMP backup is file scanning. The more files there are on a volume, the more time it takes. There is usually nothing that can be done except using block based backup (like SMtape) if supported. If you are using another NetApp to store backups, it would make more sense to use SnapVault for it directly.
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For images it should be enough to remove leftover snapshot “aushafs2b(1785237204)_images.1109”. Others two are really interesting. Could you post output of “smtape status -l”?
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What Data ONTAP version? In 8.x you should be able to edit ntp configuration in diag shell. And yes, it should be reported as soon as possible.
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You should never use diag level command without explicit instructions from NetApp. Conversion to 64 bit (without adding disks and diag commands) is supported as of 8.2.1RC1.
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If you do not have DHCP, you need to connect to serial console and complete initial setup, at the least - assign IP addresses to filers. Each filer head has to be setup separately. I believe it is all documented in software setup guide.
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Check if you have leftover snapmirror snapshots on destination - manually remove them (they should be unlocked after snapmirror break). Those snapshots are not removed automatically.
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Use external scripting to create snapshots on secondary every month and year and keep them for required period of time. You will need to do it anyway, Data ONTAP does not provide any built-in capabilities to schedule snapshots with month or year period.
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You can do incremental updates as often as you want. You do not need to create snapshots for these incremental updates on secondary and, as I already said, you need to keep only the latest baseline snapshot in any case.
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You probably misunderstand how SnapVault works. Snapshots on primary and secondary are independent. You only need to keep the latest (base) snapshot on primary to allow incremental updates. All previous snapshots can be removed.
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