It's possible. NetApp needs extra space for new (over)writes before it reclaims old blocks. So with very intensive overwrite activity (overwrite from NetApp perspective) it is possible that it won't have time to free space. Highly unlikely in real life, but could be triggered in lab conditions.
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Just run the command via ssh/rsh. The whole point of using API is to avoid parsing command output. You get exactly the same information via API calls but in more reliable and “computer-friendly” way.
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1. Just install version you need using normal procedure. It is possible to switch between minor versions without any issues. 2. There are guides for head swap on NetApp site. But in summary - shut down, connect old shelves (do not connect new at this point), boot in maintenance, destroy mailboxes, reassign disks, reboot in normal mode. Then connect new shelves when online.
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Well, you did not say whether qtree had unix or ntfs security. Yes, for CIFS access NetApp always translates Windows users to Unix users. That is why having fall back default user is important.
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You will need to zero spares, remove ownership from these disks and then cold unplug shelves unless you have Data ONTAP 8.2.1 where hot shelf removal is supported.
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OS itself is located on internal boot device (USB flash in current models). Settings are in vol0, which can be in any aggregate (minimal size is model dependent)
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If I understand you correctly, interface that is used for default route does not fail over? Then it's not going to work (for connections that require going via default route). You need to ensure all interfaces required for connectivity are present during failover.
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Usual case is stale ARP entry in client. Normally NetApp sends unsolicited ARP reply to make clients update ARP cache. But it is entirely in client side to listen and react on this. Another cause would be MAC table in switches. Wait for 10 - 15 minutes. If you are now able to access filer after failover, it is most likely one if two reasons.
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There is SnapDiff API that is used by some backup vendors, but I was not able to find any public documentation. I am not aware if any CLI providing this functionality. If you ever find an answer, let us know
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Firmware is part of Data ONTAP, but it may not necessary be the same version you want (and to my best knowledge there is no documentation which Data ONTAP version includes which firmware). You can update it in one reboot. When installing, first install Data ONTAP, then firmware, otherwise Data ONTAP installation overrides it.
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"Head swap" - old vol0 is retained. "Move shelf" - connect shelves to running filer with own vol0. That's how I define it for myself Head swap is not overly complicated, but still there are subtleties. It makes sense to arrange professional service, especially if one does not gave good experience with NetApp.
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How did you install it? If through special menu, option 4, you additionally need to do "software install" of the same version to get vol0 content.
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I missed the original question, but you could use QSM to migrate qtrees and data, not contained in any qtree separately (use /- as source “qtree” for the latter). You will need to migrate non-qtree data into some qtree on destination and then, if required, move data one level up.
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Yes, you will need to manually create igroups and mapping on destination filer - they are not replicated. Also LUN serial numbers will change - this may be problem depending on host OS (e.g. VMware will not mount them by default).
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