You need at least one spare per disk type per controller, so one SAS and one SATA. So if you have SAS and SATA aggregates on the same controller, you would need at least two spares.
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From NetApp point of view, snapshot size is the amount of unique data, not shared with other snapshots or active file system. But logically every snapshot represents full filesystem image. Depending on how your NetBackup is setup, it may perform full copy, which explains size of tape backup.
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Well, I /expect/ root aggregate to be on the first shelf (yes, sticker had shelf number as well) but I would not eat my hat. To be honest, I never really cared. Moving empty root volume takes 5 minutes at most. And every controller sees every shelf anyway.
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Controllers always come preloaded, but there is really no problem to reinstall them. As long as you connect all shelves to back-end fabric, controllers will find their disks just fine. Also normally shelves have stickers with controller serial numbers.
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Effect of Data ONTAP command would be the same. Effects of large deletes are due to block reclamation and housekeeping, not due to protocol used to delete files.
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Users must have NFS or CIFS access, otherwise they would not be able to place files on NetApp. So they can also use the same access to delete them. Unless I misunderstand the problem.
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That's very interesting statement, because it was not possible in the past 10 years ... You can add larger disks to aggregate as new RAID group; but you cannot replace disks with larger disks and use extra space - disks will be downsized to match original small size. May be NetApp engineer meant that you can create aggregate using new disks and move volumes to it? That's obviously possible.
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Mixed mode is orthogonal to this problem and usually creates more problems than it solves. The best solution is to ensure one to one mapping between Windows and Unix users. If it is not possible, poor man's group access can be implemented by mapping multiple Unix users to the same Windows user and adding ACLs for this user.
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Отправлено с iPhone 12 марта 2014 г., в 21:17, "JGPSHNTAP" <<>> написал(а): <> Re: NTFS style qtree with NFS export created by JGPSHNTAP<> in Data ONTAP - View the full discussion<> This is known as a mixed mount which are wonderful. Just get the UID from the unix users and add them to the passwd file. Are these other users AD as well, b/c if so you want to make sure your unix id nad AD account matches Reply to this message by replying to this email -or- go to the message on NetApp Community<> Start a new discussion in Data ONTAP by email<> or at NetApp Community<>
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You do not say what filer model you have, Data ONTAP version and in which aggregate volume resides. Not to mention that “df -h” is pretty unsuitable for real analysis - it is for human overview. “aggr show_space” would give better view on actual aggregate space consumption and “vol size” would show exact size (not arbitrarily rounded up or down).
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Reclaiming freed blocks is background process, it is not instantaneous. For 100GB I'd estimate several minutes, although it probably depends in overall system load.
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When you break SnapMirror, source volume is not affected at all. Destination volume becomes read-write. I'm not sure I understand you question about "live" - what do you mean? One possibility to stop access is to shutdown clients
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1. Stop access to source volumes from clients 2. Do final snapmirror update on destination 3. Do snapmirror break on destination Key is to ensure no data is changed on source after final update. Any changed data will obviously be missing in destination.
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Are those cables with integrated SFP+ or just QSFP to optical? Mezzanine LAN card supports optical SFP+ but you need to order specific model from NetApp.
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It tries to create new raid group, not aggregate. You can increase raid group size beyond default 16 disks (aggr options but forgot option name )
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Nitpicking - FAS960 has standard DB9, not RJ45. Also it has Open Firmware with prompt OK>, not loader with prompt LOADER>. Finally, netboot was not officially supported on FAS900; I think I used it a couple of times but may be mistaken, it was too long ago (and it was FAS920 which is newer). At least, netboot image is present for these old models. For FAS900 it is also possible to copy image to CF on your PC. There should be some documents (both KB articles as well as Internet ones) describing how to do it.
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