Filer must be able to resolve user name to user UID. How exactly it does it (local /etc/passwd, LDAP, NIS or whatever) is irrelevant. But if you want to make sure that the same UID resolves to the same user name, the best is to make central user database and let both filer and server to use it.
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So you mean that it immediately starts 32 to 64 bit conversion for clone? Good to know. In this case it is expected that it will consume more space, as more data will change compared with native clone.
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So all your volumes are flexible volumes, in which case renaming aggregate is fully transparent – it is never exposed to anything outside NetApp.
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When I try to view permissions on the folder, both the Share Permissions and NTFS Security tabs are gone for that folder. And "qtree status" shows ... ?
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Volumes remain 32 bit for the duration of SnapMirror relationship (otherwise they could not be updated). They will be converted to 64 bit after snapmirror break.
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a) Fractional_reserve plays role exactly when you create snapshot – not “at some point in the past”. So every time you create snapshot it reserves exactly the amount of space that LUN currently occupies on NetApp. b) When host deletes data in filesystem, space is not freed from the NetApp point of view. So if it was huge once, it remains huge now. Unfortunately, the only way to reduce space consumption is to create another LUN and copy data over and destroy existing one. When doing this new LUN could temporary be set to no space reservation to reduce consumption.
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It is not the question of “ahead” or “behind”. Consistency point happens as a single transaction – which means, it will wait for the slowest drives to complete. Even if SAS has completed, CP will not be complete until SATA catches up. OTOH unless this causes back-to-back CP, I do not see how it matters. Whether CP completes in 0.5 second or 9.5 second, it does not really matter if it completes fast enough before second half on NVRAM fills up.
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When you say “cluster failover” do you mean NetApp takeover/giveback or host clustering? For NetApp the usual reason is improper configuration of timeouts in host’s drivers. Another possibility is incorrect connection (e.g. no path via partner).
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If LUN in snapmirror destination has to be available read-write, you need to either break mirror or use flexclone to create writable LUN. That's correct. I do not have practical experience with OSSV so I do not know whether it tries to access LUNs read-write and can it be changed. Volume FlexClone is based on specific snapshot. This is snapshot is not updated anymore. So if you want to access newer LUN version, you need to unmount LUN, destroy flexclone, create new flexclone based on more recent snapshot and mount LUN again. Have you looked at SnapProect? It sounds like it does exactly what you need - offering file based restore (with history, file browsing etc) together with disaster recovery (SnapMirror).
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If you have both CIFS and NFS you should be able to access root volume and delete files. You say this operation fails, which normally is due to restricted CIFS that comes with FCP/iSCSI licenses. Do you really have CIFS licensed? If yes, what is security style of root volume (qtree status)?
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Could you describe in more details what you try to achieve? Do you have multiple interfaces on the same network and want to force traffic to this network via specific interface?
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The former is created by initial setup and I believe when you use FilerView (not sure about System Manager). There is really no technical reasons to prefer one over another.
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I am not sure I understand the problem. What is wrong with static DNS entries for filer? Are you expecting IP address to be changed frequently?
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DR involves really far more than just storage failover. So it would be misleading for a storage vendor to claim it offers complete DR setup procedure. Such document belongs to a project and is usually done by company that implements project (or by customer itself). We had several DR projects and each one was different and accompanied by custom tailored documentation.
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No, these two options are not the same. Internally NetApp maintains several versions of each file name. Setting ucode=on forces it to always create UNICODE file name in addition to “native” name supplied by client. Setting language to whatever.UTF-8 basically says that client is using UTF-8 as native character set. Are you using CIFS or NFS on this volume?
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You always can access previous snapshots and manually copy data from them. How exactly depends on which protocol you use to access filer. E.g. if you are using CIFS, you can use standard Windows feature Previous Versions to access snapshots.
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