If these are aggregates that contain flexvols, operation is completely transparent and can be done any time. If they are actually traditional volumes, there are some considerations. Could you post output of "aggr status" and "vol status -v"?
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It is not clear what actual problem you have. Do you have some error message, operation does not complete, you have problems accessing restored files? Please describe what you do and what output and results you get and expect to get.
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You can mount FAS in any standard 19" rack. Be sure to order correct mounting kit, there is one for NetApp racks which is not suitable for non-NetApp (we had customer who did this mistake ...).
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If you are going to upgrade anyway, there is really no reason to upgrade to 7.3.3. The two versions are available only due to release policy change - GD was dropped, so 7.3.3 "stuck" as the last version officially stamped with GD.
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You can’t restore file from host filesystem on NetApp. NetApp is not aware how host is using LUN nor about filesystem format. You can create LUn clone from previous snapshot (using lun create -b), mount it on host and restore needed files using host’s tools. snap restore -t file will restore file on NetApp; but the whole LUN is single file from NetApp point of view.
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For user mapping to work user must be known to NetApp. Meaning - either it has to be entered in local /etc/passwd or NetApp must be using network based user database (e.g. LDAP). root is usually present in /etc/passwd so it works. Any other user is likely missing so it fails. For test you can add non-root user from your workstation to /etc/passwd on NetApp. Be sure to use the same UID.
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You misunderstand how HA works in this case. Each LUN is being served by exactly one filer. Paths via partner help to protect against path errors (cable/HBA/SFP down); but if filer that owns LUN is unavailable, paths via partner cannot help you. What HA does is to make partner that serves LUN available again automatically and reasonably fast. But there is still some period of time when nobody's home to answer requests. Please understand that timeouts are unavoidable. Timeouts are ultimately the only way for a host to detect dead path (for whatever reasons) and retry, using the same or different path. This is true for any storage of any vendor. So any multipath stack must be prepared to handle timeouts and retries.
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https://kb.netapp.com/support/index?page=content&id=3011274 And if you do not have access to KB Raw aggregate size is 4.04TiB. 10% is reserved for WAFL and is never visible which leaves 3.63TiB. As it is traditional volume, 20% is by default reserved for snapshots (and is not counted as available space). Which leaves exactly 2.9TiB. Now NetApp traditionally used definition of GB as 1024 x 1024 x 1000 and my experience is that FilerView is using these units. Which gives us approximately 3.05 "NetApp TB". "aggr show_space" gives much better information of aggregate space consumption.
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You may run out of space on the volume, so that host write to LUN fails. As hosts normally do not expect hard disks to run out of space, they do not handle it gracefully. Default settings on NetApp ensure, that there is always space for new write to LUN, so it behaves exactly as conventional disk.
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463GB is reserved for LUN overwrites due to fractional_reserve volume setting. This is done to protect you from out-of-space condition on LUNs. Please, read TR-3483 (or TR-3965 that includes 8.1) that describes in details how NetApp manages space in case of LUN.
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Could you be more specific what do you want to test? There are PAM tests in offline diagnostic packages (diags or sldiag depending on your Data ONTAP version).
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revert_to alone is not enough; it is necessary to also install 7.3 kernel. But the question is really good. And let's consider moving from 3020 to 6210, which can NOT run 7.3 at all. Assuming this upgrade is supported, booting 8.x with root volume from 7.x should be possible. Checking upgrade guides, they all assume you can update old head to a version on new head. I still tend to think it should be possible to just boot 8.x and "update" to have correct root volume content. This always worked with 7G before ...
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kernel is loaded from internal boot device, it is independent of the content of root volume. Root volume is used only store settings, firmware files etc, but not kernel. So it will be running 8.x in this case (assuming FAS3210 actually has 8.x; it could also be ordered and delivered with 7.3).
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Support is right here. Takeover/giveback means filer reboot. During reboot filer cannot serve data. So there is period of time when no valid path to filer exists. It may be surprising, but during giveback filer may be unavailable for longer period, because it first performs clean shutdown on partner. Hosts must be configured so that they wait for a filer to come back. That's what host utilities normally do - configure various timeouts to ensure host will not experience fatal error.
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