Apologize for nitpicking, but … - FAS3120 does not exist. This is either FAS3210 or FAS3140/3160/3170 - If this is FAS3210 and it was shipped with DOT 8.0.x, FAS3020 needs updating to DOT 8.0.x in step 14. Have you tried whether this update is possible or it will be rejected due to unsupported platform? Otherwise the idea to create root volume copy is interesting.
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1. It depends on how valuable your data is. 2. I do not think so, at least by virtue of being SyncMirror. If you spread your data across the same number of not-mirrored disks, you likely achieve the same throughput. 3. It is up to you, really. There is no technical arguments either pro or con.
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SnapDrive includes CLI as well, it not only GUI. If you had to format LUN anyway, the easiest way is to destroy and recreate LUN, this way you will free all the space used by old LUN.
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Setting these options would not fix anything, it would just hide the problem. You have to find out why data is accessed via non-preferred paths and fix it. It could be host misconfiguration or real problems with connectivity (bad cable, port, switch, adapter, ...).
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Well, you are not stuck with default, you can change it to anything more suitable This has been discussed multiple times. NetApp cannot boot and run without root volume. If you assign all disks to one controller, the second is not bootable. If it is OK to you, you are better off to disable cluster before reassigning disks. There is NetApp KB article how to do it; probably IBM has something as well.
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My best guess that quota tries to match FSID for NFS file systems to find the "correct" one; and as you apparently share the same volume, all mount point do have the same FSID. So it just displays the first one found. It would be interesting to see a) wire capture (with tcpdump or tshark) to know what exactly quota asks and gets back b) strace of quota execution to know what it is accessing. Would you be willing to collect them and make available?
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The number does not mean anything specific. Not quite. NetApp tries to lay out consequtive data sequentially in clusters (for lack of better word). Last documented cluster size I have seen was 128K (32 NetApp blocks), but it could have been increased in recent versions. So allocation check is basically ratio of average cluster size to target optimal. Assuming target 128K, 23 means that on average sequential cluster size is no more that 1.3 blocks, i.e. all data is heavily fragmented. The threshold is always 4 It is default, but it can be set in every "reallocate" invocation. I'd love to know how hotspots are computed, right now it is really pretty meaningless number.
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However, it seems that NetApp cannot do anything about it. Apparently it can, as long as I can believe publicly visible comments here: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=554725 Hopefully, it will "just work" ... And BTW if it is implemented, it will benefit not only Solais ZFS. Here is excellent overview of SCSI capabilities Linux could use to optimize storage access: http://oss.oracle.com/~mkp/docs/linux-advanced-storage.pdf
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Yes, that's possible. Destination will be converted to 64 bit after snapmirror break. You will not be able to revert snapmirror of course.
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Well. check if NFSv4 is enabled on filer. If it is - check mount options on client (file /proc/sekf/mounts wil show all mounted filesystems with options).
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If you order system with FCP license and without additional target HBAs, this is exactly what happens. Without FCP license, why would you need target ports in the first place?
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You mount it on Unix server and change permissions from there. Make sure to allow root on this server (option root=IP-or-name when exporting) so you can change permissions of any file/directory.
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Do you have CIFS license? What exactly “share users can’t be seen by the Windows XP machines” means? What happens when you try to connect to filer-name\share-name<file:/// filer-name\share-name> (or filer-IP)? I think that plain text passwords are disabled by default in all more or less recent Windows operating systems. I was never able to make it work.
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I do not think you need to reboot. May be it became intelligent enough to compare versions and skip download entirely if they are identical. I let someone else to chime in. Can’t help here, sorry.
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