I have installed the Grafana OVA for a customer. The customer wants to collect data from both 7-Mode and C-Mode clusters. In order to keep the 7-Mode data in the 'perf7' graphite category (instead of in 'perf'), I added the following lines to the hosts's section in /opt/harvest/netapp-harvest.conf for each 7-Mode host:
graphite_root = Harvest.perf7.{site}.{display_name}
graphite_meta_metrics_root = Harvest.poller.perf7.{site}.{display_name}
This seems to be working fine with the dashboards, and my 7-Mode dashboards work with 7-Mode host data.
The problem I am having is that when I add a new harvest host via the menu, and when the Grafana VM reboots, these lines get wiped out of the netapp-harvest.conf file. Harvest starts putting the 7-Mode data in the 'perf' category along with the CDOT data, and this causes the 7-Mode dashboards to stop displaying data.
Should I be doing something differently for 7-Mode systems? Or is this a problem with how Harvest treats its config file?