I want to exclude some devices from Hitachi data source which have approx 30 devices under it.
The guide says, "Comma-separated list of devices, identified by device ID, that will not be discovered by this data source. For this data source, an example would be: ARRAY.HDS9570V.65010524"
In the exclude device option, I tried to add:
1. <Storage_array_name> for eg HDS-AKEH
2. <Storage_array_name>.<serial number> for eg HDS-AKEH.1234
3. ARRAY.<Storage_array_name>.<serial number> for eg ARRAY.HDS-AKEH.1234
4. ARRAY.<Storage_model_name>.<serial number> for eg ARRAY.USP_VM.1234 or ARRAY.HDSUSP_VM.1234
But none of them is working.
After successful acquisition, I still see that array discovered under same data source.
Any idea?