Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

How to discover Brocade switch/fabric details using SANscreen 6.1


Hi Again...,

I have a bunch of Brocade switches DS_4100B. Have the SMI-S provider, however, unable to discover the same from SANscreen.

I  believe SANscreen have very bad documentation. I installed the SMI-S  provider in which the SANscreen server is installed. As well as  installed SMI-S provider for brocade in windows host that is connected  to all the Brocade switches.

When  I try to create a Data Source, will all the credentails and details  asked, I am still not able to discover. Given with errors and nothing  more than that.

For Cisco, the discovery is a piece of cake; but big time pain for brocade and McData.

Kindly help me out with a detailed explanations. Step by step would be very helpfull.

Thanks a lot.





The SANscreen support matrix should be your guide for discovering Brocade switches - we list what firmware versions are supported for which Brocade datasources.

As a general rule of thumb, if you are running Brocade firmware 5 or higher, you want to use the Brocade CLI datasource. This datasource uses SSH for Service Insight (inventory discovery), and uses SNMP for Application Insight (performance collection). If you are using either Virtual Fabrics or Admin Domains, SANscreen needs a true admin level user - we need visibility into all the VFs/ADs to discover the switch. Otherwise, a read only user account will work.

For McData, you have options - either the McData SNMP datasource (you will need one datasource per switch), or EFCM datasources (version 7 through 9.x - DCFM is not supported)

What firmware are you running?


Thanks, I could discover the Brocade switches with Brocade CLI in data sources.

FYI... the firmware of the switches is v6.2.0c and v7.4.1f
