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I need a general purpose WFA Command that will accept a Cluster name and Command as input and run the command on the cluster.
My environment is: WFA Server Windows 2012 R2, WFA 4.2, Clustered ONTAP 9.3P15; PSToolkit 9.7; Putty 0.73
I have written the command using the Invoke-NcSsh cmdlet. I ran into the issues described in Community Article: "Invoke-NcSsh failing with ONTAP 9.3". I followed the solution to upgrade the Netapp DataONTAP PSToolkit to 9.7 and install PuTTY v0.7.3. This got me past the initial problem and the Invoke-NcSsh cmdlet actually runs the command on the cluster. The only problem is that the cmdlet in the WFA JBOSS container throws an exception at the end of the command processing.
Here is the simplified PS code that shows the problem:
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="First Cluster")]
Get-WFALogger -info -message "Running Test Command"
$creds = Get-WfaCredentials -Hostname $Cluster
$result = Invoke-NcSsh -Name $Cluster -Command date -Credential $creds
Get-WFALogger -info -message $("-- " + $result)
Get-WFALogger -info -message "End Test Command"
Output: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
15:47:29.012 INFO [SWA Test] ### Command XXX Test' in 'POWER_SHELL' ###
15:47:35.559 INFO [SWA Test] Running Test Command
15:47:35.574 INFO [SWA Test] Credentials successfully provided for 'cluster050'
15:47:40.996 INFO [SWA Test] -- Node Date Time zone
--------- ------------------------ -------------------------
Fri Jan 10 15:47:41 2020 US/Central
Fri Jan 10 15:47:41 2020 US/Central
2 entries were displayed.
15:47:41.012 INFO [XXX Test] End Test Command
15:47:41.074 ERROR [XXX Test] Failed executing command. Exception:
The command works fine, its just that WFA flags an error; but the Excepton is null.
The only other clue I have found is that an error is posted to the server.log when the command is run:
server.log error >>>>>>>>
2020-01-10 15:47:41,059 ERROR [stderr] (default task-16) [Fatal Error] :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog.
Any ideas on trouble shooting this error?
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A potenital workaround for you might be to use "Invoke-NcSystemApi" to invoke a CLI command instead of using "Invoke-NcSsh". For example:
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Cluster name or IP Address")] [String]$Cluster, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The ONTAP CLI to invoke")] [String]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="If specified the CLI output is logged")] [Bool]$VerboseLogging ) #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Connect to the Cluster. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connect-WFACluster $Cluster #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Convert the CLI command to the API to invoke. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [String]$Command = $Command.Trim(); If($Command.Contains(" ")){ [Array]$cmd = $Command.Split(" ") }Else{ [Array]$cmd = $Command } $api = $("<system-cli><args><arg>" + ($cmd -join "</arg><arg>") + "</arg></args></system-cli>") #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Invoke the API. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ $output = Invoke-NcSystemApi -Request $api -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("Executed Command`: " + $([String]::Join(" ", $command))) }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executed Command`: " + $([String]::Join(" ", $command)) + ". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw $("Failed Executing Command`: " + $([String]::Join(" ", $command))) } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Log the CLI output if required. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($VerboseLogging -And $output.results."cli-result-value" -eq 1){ [Array]$lines = $output.results."cli-output".Trim().Split("`n") ForEach($line In $lines){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $line } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hope that helps
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Matt, Thank you for the suggested solution. I have deployed the code into a WFA command to test. It seems to run fine, except that the output from the command is either not returned or not logged. Below is the output I see, even though I set "VerboseLogging" to true:
10:19:45.261 INFO [Execute cDOT Command] ### Command 'Execute cDOT Command' in 'POWER_SHELL' ###
10:19:51.763 INFO [Execute cDOT Command] Using cached cluster connection
10:19:53.008 INFO [Execute cDOT Command] Executed Command: date
10:19:53.055 INFO [Execute cDOT Command] Command completed, took 7794 milliseconds
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Running a second test to actually modify a volume on the cluster seems to show that the command is not executing even though the Invoke-NcSystemApi does not return a failure. Using a test volume, I list the current snapshots:
sdcdclr050::> volume snapshot show -vserver dsvmnas04 -volume dev_appz
Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
daily.2020-01-07_0010 672KB 0% 40%
daily.2020-01-08_0010 572KB 0% 36%
daily.2020-01-09_0010 504KB 0% 33%
daily.2020-01-10_0010 364KB 0% 26%
daily.2020-01-11_0010 644KB 0% 39%
daily.2020-01-12_0010 456KB 0% 31%
hourly.2020-01-12_0800 108KB 0% 10%
hourly.2020-01-12_1200 472KB 0% 32%
hourly.2020-01-12_1600 108KB 0% 10%
hourly.2020-01-12_2000 108KB 0% 10%
daily.2020-01-13_0010 416KB 0% 29%
hourly.2020-01-13_0400 108KB 0% 10%
hourly.2020-01-13_0800 100KB 0% 9%
13 entries were displayed.
I then run the command with the following Inputs:
When I list the snapshots on the volume again, I don't see a new snapshot named "testsnap".
When I check the Audit log, I don't find any logging of the API command.
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Hi David,
I've tweaked the code and tested it.
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Cluster name or IP Address")] [String]$Cluster, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The ONTAP CLI to invoke")] [String]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The ONTAP CLI privilege")] [ValidateSet("admin","advanced","diag")] [String]$Privilege, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="If specified the CLI output is logged")] [Bool]$VerboseLogging ) #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Connect to the Cluster. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connect-WFACluster $Cluster #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Convert the CLI command to the API to invoke. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [String]$Command = $Command.Trim(); If($Command.Contains(" ")){ [Array]$cmd = $Command.Split(" ") }Else{ [Array]$cmd = $Command } If($Privilege){ $cmd[0] = $("set $Privilege`;" + $cmd[0]) } $api = $("<system-cli><args><arg>" + ($cmd -join "</arg><arg>") + "</arg></args></system-cli>") #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Invoke the API. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ $output = Invoke-NcSystemApi -Request $api -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("Executed Command`: " + $([String]::Join(" ", $command))) }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executed Command`: " + $([String]::Join(" ", $command)) + ". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw $("Failed Executing Command`: " + $([String]::Join(" ", $command))) } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Log the CLI output if required. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($VerboseLogging -And $output.results."cli-result-value" -eq 1){ [Array]$lines = $output.results."cli-output".Trim().Split("`n") ForEach($line In $lines){ If(-Not([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($line))){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $line } } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EG: Create a volume snapshot via a CLI:
11:30:14.845 INFO [invoke_system_api] ### Command 'invoke_system_api' in 'POWER_SHELL' ### 11:30:27.471 INFO [invoke_system_api] Get-WfaCredentials -Host cluster1 11:30:27.502 INFO [invoke_system_api] Credentials successfully provided for 'cluster1' 11:30:27.533 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connect-Controller -Type CLUSTER -Name cluster1 -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -Vserver -SSLversion TLSv1 11:30:27.580 INFO [invoke_system_api] Credentials successfully provided for 'cluster1' 11:30:27.643 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connect-NcController (with credentials) -Name cluster1 -Timeout 60000 -ErrorAction Stop -Port 443 -SSLVersion TLSv1 11:30:29.518 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connected to cluster node 11:30:31.549 INFO [invoke_system_api] Executed Command: volume snapshot create -vserver vserver1 -volume volume1 -snapshot snapshot3 11:30:31.611 INFO [invoke_system_api] Command completed, took 16766 milliseconds
Display the volume snapshots using CLI:
11:31:38.837 INFO [invoke_system_api] ### Command 'invoke_system_api' in 'POWER_SHELL' ### 11:31:52.134 INFO [invoke_system_api] Get-WfaCredentials -Host cluster1 11:31:52.166 INFO [invoke_system_api] Credentials successfully provided for 'cluster1' 11:31:52.197 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connect-Controller -Type CLUSTER -Name cluster1 -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -Vserver -SSLversion TLSv1 11:31:52.259 INFO [invoke_system_api] Credentials successfully provided for 'cluster1' 11:31:52.306 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connect-NcController (with credentials) -Name cluster1 -Timeout 60000 -ErrorAction Stop -Port 443 -SSLVersion TLSv1 11:31:54.619 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connected to cluster node 11:31:54.884 INFO [invoke_system_api] Executed Command: volume snapshot show -vserver vserver1 -volume volume1 11:31:54.916 INFO [invoke_system_api] ---Blocks--- 11:31:54.931 INFO [invoke_system_api] Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% 11:31:54.963 INFO [invoke_system_api] -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- 11:31:54.994 INFO [invoke_system_api] vserver1 volume1 11:31:55.009 INFO [invoke_system_api] weekly.2020-01-05_0015 548KB 0% 46% 11:31:55.041 INFO [invoke_system_api] weekly.2020-01-12_0015 652KB 0% 50% 11:31:55.056 INFO [invoke_system_api] daily.2020-01-13_0010 548KB 0% 46% 11:31:55.088 INFO [invoke_system_api] daily.2020-01-14_0010 524KB 0% 45% 11:31:55.103 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-14_0605 156KB 0% 19% 11:31:55.134 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-14_0705 384KB 0% 37% 11:31:55.150 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-14_0805 156KB 0% 19% 11:31:55.197 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-14_0905 376KB 0% 37% 11:31:55.213 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-14_1005 156KB 0% 19% 11:31:55.244 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-14_1105 364KB 0% 36% 11:31:55.259 INFO [invoke_system_api] snapshot1 140KB 0% 18% 11:31:55.291 INFO [invoke_system_api] snapshot2 140KB 0% 18% 11:31:55.322 INFO [invoke_system_api] snapshot3 136KB 0% 17% 11:31:55.338 INFO [invoke_system_api] 13 entries were displayed. 11:31:55.416 INFO [invoke_system_api] Command completed, took 16579 milliseconds
The command is logged in: https://<%cluster_name%>/spi/<%node_name%>/etc/log/mlog/auditlog.log
Note: I've tested this on WFA5 using an ONTAP 9.6 simulator. The WFA user cached credentials used to connect to the cluster has the admin role.
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I plugged in your new code into the test command and I am still getting the same failure as described above. It must be due to my configuration being different.
My environment is: WFA Server Windows 2012 R2, WFA 4.2, Clustered ONTAP 9.3P15; PSToolkit 9.7; Putty 0.73
Weeks back, I looked into upgrading our environment to WFA5.0.1, but we have a lot of 7Mode systems that only support TLS1.0. It turns out that WFA5.0.1 no longer supports TLS1.0. For this reason, I cannot upgrade to WFA5 at this time.
Is there anyway you could test on WFA 4.2?
Either way, thanks for your help.
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Hi David,
I do have WFA4.2 running on WIN2K12R2 in my lab and tested it for you. It works:
09:41:40.862 INFO [invoke_system_api] ### Command 'invoke_system_api' in 'POWER_SHELL' ### 09:42:05.691 INFO [invoke_system_api] Get-WfaCredentials -Host cluster1 09:42:05.722 INFO [invoke_system_api] Credentials successfully provided for 'cluster1' 09:42:05.847 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connect-Controller -Type CLUSTER -Name cluster1 -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -Vserver -SSLversion TLSv1 09:42:05.894 INFO [invoke_system_api] Credentials successfully provided for 'cluster1' 09:42:06.003 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connect-NcController (with credentials) -Name cluster1 -Timeout 60000 -ErrorAction Stop -Port 443 -SSLVersion TLSv1 09:42:09.972 INFO [invoke_system_api] Connected to cluster node 09:42:10.550 INFO [invoke_system_api] Executed Command: snapshot show -volume volume1 -vserver vserver1 09:42:10.597 INFO [invoke_system_api] ---Blocks--- 09:42:10.613 INFO [invoke_system_api] Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% 09:42:10.675 INFO [invoke_system_api] -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- 09:42:10.691 INFO [invoke_system_api] vserver1 volume1 09:42:10.706 INFO [invoke_system_api] weekly.2020-01-05_0015 548KB 0% 49% 09:42:10.722 INFO [invoke_system_api] weekly.2020-01-12_0015 652KB 0% 54% 09:42:10.816 INFO [invoke_system_api] daily.2020-01-14_0010 580KB 0% 51% 09:42:10.831 INFO [invoke_system_api] snapshot1 140KB 0% 20% 09:42:10.863 INFO [invoke_system_api] snapshot2 140KB 0% 20% 09:42:10.878 INFO [invoke_system_api] snapshot3 524KB 0% 48% 09:42:10.925 INFO [invoke_system_api] daily.2020-01-15_0010 508KB 0% 47% 09:42:10.941 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-15_0405 156KB 0% 22% 09:42:10.987 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-15_0505 440KB 0% 44% 09:42:11.003 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-15_0605 156KB 0% 22% 09:42:11.066 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-15_0705 384KB 0% 41% 09:42:11.081 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-15_0805 156KB 0% 22% 09:42:11.113 INFO [invoke_system_api] hourly.2020-01-15_0905 364KB 0% 39% 09:42:11.206 INFO [invoke_system_api] 13 entries were displayed. 09:42:11.269 INFO [invoke_system_api] Command completed, took 10407 milliseconds
The difference would be the version of ONTAP perhaps (i doubt that is the issue). I am using the default cluster admin user in the WFA credentials for an ONTAP 9.6 simulator so it's running within a user that has the admin role.
- Have you configured any delegated access that might be restricting it from working?
- Have you considered alternatives. EG: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/na_ontap_command_module.html
- Does the following code work externally to WFA?
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Cluster name or IP Address")] [String]$Cluster, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The ONTAP CLI to invoke")] [String]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The ONTAP CLI privilege")] [ValidateSet("admin","advanced","diag")] [String]$Privilege, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="If specified the CLI output is logged")] [Bool]$VerboseLogging, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Credentials to connect to the cluster")] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credentials ) #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Import the DataONTAP PSTK. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [String]$moduleName = "DataONTAP" Try{ Import-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Imported Module ""$moduleName""" }Catch{ Write-Warning -Message $("Failed importing module ""$moduleName"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Break; } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Connect to the Cluster. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ Connect-NcController -Name $Cluster -HTTPS -Credential $Credentials -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null Write-Host "Connect to cluster ""$Cluster""" }Catch{ Write-Warning -Message $("Failed connecting to cluster ""$Cluster"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Break; } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Convert the CLI command to the API to invoke. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [String]$Command = $Command.Trim(); If($Command.Contains(" ")){ [Array]$cmd = $Command.Split(" ") }Else{ [Array]$cmd = $Command } If($Privilege){ $cmd[0] = $("set $Privilege`;" + $cmd[0]) } $api = $("<system-cli><args><arg>" + ($cmd -join "</arg><arg>") + "</arg></args></system-cli>") #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Invoke the API. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ $output = Invoke-NcSystemApi -Request $api -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host $("Executed Command`: " + $([String]::Join(" ", $command))) }Catch{ Write-Warning -Message $("Failed Executed Command`: " + $([String]::Join(" ", $command)) + ". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Break; } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Log the CLI output if required. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($VerboseLogging -And $output.results."cli-result-value" -eq 1){ [Array]$lines = $output.results."cli-output".Trim().Split("`n") ForEach($line In $lines){ If(-Not([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($line))){ Write-Host $line } } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example Output:
PS D:\Scripts\PowerShell\Projects\InvokeSystemApi> $Credentials = Get-Credential -Credential admin PS D:\Scripts\PowerShell\Projects\InvokeSystemApi> .\InvokeSystemApi.ps1 -Cluster cluster1 -Command "snapshot show -volume volume1 -vserver vserver1" -VerboseLogging $True -Credentials $credentials Imported Module "DataONTAP" Connect to cluster "cluster1" Executed Command: snapshot show -volume volume1 -vserver vserver1 ---Blocks--- Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used% -------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----- vserver1 volume1 weekly.2020-01-05_0015 548KB 0% 46% weekly.2020-01-12_0015 652KB 0% 50% daily.2020-01-14_0010 580KB 0% 47% snapshot1 140KB 0% 18% snapshot2 140KB 0% 18% snapshot3 524KB 0% 45% daily.2020-01-15_0010 512KB 0% 44% hourly.2020-01-15_0505 440KB 0% 40% hourly.2020-01-15_0605 156KB 0% 19% hourly.2020-01-15_0705 384KB 0% 37% hourly.2020-01-15_0805 156KB 0% 19% hourly.2020-01-15_0905 372KB 0% 36% hourly.2020-01-15_1005 148KB 0% 19% 13 entries were displayed.
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