I'm trying to create performance threshold for domain utilization in OC5 but it looks like it's not supported.
Or am I doing something wrong?
Genericmonitoring:~ # dfm perf threshold create -o MONITORED -d 300 -e perf_cpu -C "processor:domain_busy:kahuna 80 percent"
Error: Invalid counter: "processor:domain_busy:kahuna".
Syntax is obj-type:counter-name.
Genericmonitoring:~ # dfm perf threshold create -o MONITORED -d 300 -e perf_cpu -C "processor:domain_busy 80 percent"
Error: Could not create threshold.
Reason: Invalid threshold specification: Label X not provided for counter processor:domain_busy.
Genericmonitoring:~ # dfm perf threshold create -o MONITORED -d 300 -e perf_cpu -C "processor:processor0:domain_busy 80 percent"
Error: Invalid counter: "processor:processor0:domain_busy".
Syntax is obj-type:counter-name.
Genericmonitoring:~ # dfm perf threshold create -o MONITORED -d 300 -e perf_cpu -C "processor:domain_busy:kahuna 80 percent"
Error: Invalid counter: "processor:domain_busy:kahuna".
Syntax is obj-type:counter-name.
Genericmonitoring:~ # dfm perf data retrieve -d 300 -C processor:domain_busy:kahuna -o hamster
I am able to retrieve the performance data:
Timestamp hamster:processor1:domain_busy:kahuna
2012-03-20 12:20:57 5.159
2012-03-20 12:21:57 3.251
2012-03-20 12:22:57 4.485
2012-03-20 12:23:58 4.282
Timestamp hamster:processor0:domain_busy:kahuna
2012-03-20 12:20:57 6.204
2012-03-20 12:21:57 6.016
2012-03-20 12:22:57 6.921
2012-03-20 12:23:58 7.062
Creating other thresholds works fine:
Genericmonitoring:~ # dfm perf threshold create -o MONITORED -d 300 -e perf_cpu -C "system:avg_processor_busy 80 percent"
Created new threshold (6).
I believe the problem is that in "dfm perf threshold" the counter should be in format object-type:counter-name. Domain utilization needs also a label with domain name to be meaningful.
Is there any way to workaround this ??