Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Measuring host resolution success in OCI


It is sometimes good to be able to measure how completely host resolution is working within an OCI instance.  The most apparent way to do this is by looking at the count of unidentified objects in the FC Identify interface.  Such a count is not very good, however, because

  • There are always some connected, unidentified WWNs with no zoning or masking configuration.  Identifying these WWNs can be very difficult, and is typically unimportant because of the absence of any associated storage
  • This technique doesn't work in the DWH so applying it as an automated report is difficult. 

A better method of measuring host identification success is to consider the number of paths which include generic devices.  To quickly get this number from the OCI GUI,

  • Go to the Paths view
  • Filter for "-:" in the Hostname column
  • Look at the object count numbers.  Divide the displayed count by the number of paths to get your percentage identified. 77.png
    In this screenshot, 113,008 out of 115,644 paths, or 97.7%, contain no instances of the ":" character.  This indicating that they are identified to a hostname. 


To derive the corresponding information from the Data Warehouse, look for a null hostId field in dwh_inventory.logical or dwh_inventory.physicalPath. 


Credit for describing this method goes to Matt Ostiguy. 

