Hi Vikramjeet,
Here is an "example" for you that you can modify to meet your requirements. You would need to:
- Update the variables "$to", "$from" and "$smtpServer" to the relevent values in your infrastructure
- Add any additional lines you require to the $body variable
- Format the CSS and HTML to meet your requirements
Please let me know if you have any questions.
#'Initialization Section. Define Global Variables.
[String]$hostname = $env:computername
[HashTable]$event = @{}
[HashTable]$eventArgs = @{}
[String]$to = ""
[String]$from = ""
[String]$smtpserver = ""
#'Add the OCUM event arguments to hashtable.
For($i = 0; $i -le $Args.Count -1; $i++){
If($Args[$i] -is [String]){
[String]$key = $Args[$i] -Replace("-", "")
[HashTable]$event.Add($key, $Args[$i + 1])
#'Add the OCUM event "eventArgs" to a hashtable if it contains sub arguments.
[String]$arguments = $event["eventArgs"]
[Bool]$isEventArgsNull = $True
If(($arguments -ne $Null) -And ($arguments.Contains("="))){
[Bool]$isEventArgsNull = $False
[Array]$elements = $arguments.Split(" ")
ForEach($element In $elements){
$key = $element.Split("=")[0]
$value = $element.Split("=")[1]
[HashTable]$eventArgs.Add($key, $value)
#'Exit processing if the OCUM event state is not new (Exit if resolved or obselete).
[Int]$eventId = $event["eventID"]
[String]$eventState = $event["eventState"]
If(-Not($eventState -eq "new")){
Exit 0
#'Set the HTML body and CSS for style formatting.
$body = "<html><head><title></title><style type=""text/css"">.Title {background: #0077D4;color: #FFFFFF;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;}</style></head><body>"
$body += "<h2>OCUM Event</h2>"
$body += "<table><tr class='Title'><td>Event Property Name</td><td>Event Property Value</td></tr>"
ForEach($key In $event.Keys){
If($key -eq "eventArgs"){
$body += $("<tr><td>" + $key + "</td><td>" + $event[$key] + "</td></tr>")
ForEach($key In $eventArgs.Keys){
$body += $("<tr><td>" + $key + "</td><td>" + $eventArgs[$key] + "</td></tr>")
$body += "</table></body></html>"
$body += "<p>Script run from ""$hostName"""
#'Send the OCUM event as a HTML email (only for volume full or volume nearly full events).
If(($eventArgs.ContainsKey("volNearlyFull")) -Or ($eventArgs.ContainsKey("volFull"))){
Send-MailMessage -to $to -from $from -Subject "OCUM Event`: $eventId" -SmtpServer $smtpserver -Body $body -BodyAsHtml -ErrorAction Stop
Exit -1
Hope that helps
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