I'm running into a strange problem with OCUM 7.2. I seem to recall a problem with 7.1 as well with something similar, the solution to that was to split up OPM into multiple instances, but that doesn't seem to be an option now.
We currently monitor 94 controller across 28 clusters, and every once in a while, OCUM seems to crash with a bunch of messages that look like this:
2017-10-15 03:08:39,475 WARN [com.arjuna.ats.jta] (Periodic Recovery) ARJUNA016038: No XAResource to recover < formatId=131077, gtrid_length=29, bqual_length=36, tx_uid=0:ffff7f000101:-de8b499:59a475e9:e2b9f2, node_name=1, branch
_uid=0:ffff7f000101:-de8b499:59a475e9:e2b9fa, subordinatenodename=null, eis_name=unknown eis name
I realize this isn't much to go on but has anyone seen anything similar in their environment?