Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Apparently Oncommand Host require direct access to the vfiler to discover Vmware datastores.
Wouldn't it be more security minded to have the Host service to query the physical filer (vfiler0) instead?
I have a customer who would like to place their Vmware ESX hosts and NFS vfiler in their own subnet (using ipspace) and have minimal access to this subnet.
this sounds like a question for your team. Let me know if this should be asked in the NetApp Support Community?
I think you are being hit by this known issue 584186.
We are running into something similar with 5.2 and 1.3 of oncommand host. We thought it was because the DFM server could not route to the vFiler, but that is resolved (80, and 22), but we still cannot discover any of the storage mappings or create a dataset.
Could not find any storage mapping for virtual object MTC-D03_NFS_S_NAP6AVF_MSP_8 (16577) of type Virtualization.VMware.Datastore in the database.
Error or exception is not specified.
2014-01-07 17:05:18,635
Could not find any storage mapping for virtual object MTC-D03_NFS_S_NAP6AVF_MSP_8 (16577) of type Virtualization.VMware.Datastore in the database.
The storage map for an application object has not been discovered. (Error: 23831)
1. Add the storage system for the object to the DataFabric Manager server. Use the "Storage Controllers" page in "Storage" tab to add the storage systems.
2. Ensure that the credentials for the storage system have been set on the DataFabric Manager server and pushed to host services. Then force the DataFabric Manager server to discover virtual and storage objects. You can complete these tasks from the "Host Services" tab in the console.
3. Remove the object from the dataset, then continue creating or editing the dataset.
Location is not specified.
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Based on your description I believe the cause of the failure is the lack of support in OnCommand Host Package for storage hosted by vFilers:
Discovery, back up and restore operations of VMware objects fail if they are hosted on Multistore.
OnCommand Unified Manager Host Package does not support Multistore. Therefore, you cannot discover, backup and restore VMware objects.