Hi All !
We have OPM 1.1.0p1 can't upgrade by the moment due to VMware version limit.
OPM is monitoring a metrocluster system, two clusters with two nodes each one. CDOT 8.3.1p1
One node has a SVM with 25 volumes configured.
All this volumes has been created using the same command using CLI.
OPM is monitoring correctly 21 of this volumes, but there are 4 volumes that OPM can't monitor, and when we filter volumes from dashboard OPM answers:
"Performance Manager is unable to monitor or collect statistics for a volume if the following are true:
• It is a data protection copy, such as a snapshot, in read-only mode.
• It is an Infinite Volume.
• It is an offline data clone.
• It is a mirrored volume in a MetroCluster configuration"
Need help to address this issue...
Thanks in advance.