Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Hello All,
I am trying to create a vFiler using WFA and could not find a command to add a default gateway for the vFiler.
When i try to create a new command and test's Add-NaNetRoute it is able to able to add the gateway and also make an entry in the /etc/rc file but makes a lots of changed in the file leaving only the network configuration and removing all other options that we set:
Before the command was executed the /etc/rc looks like:
hostname inblrx900
ifgrp create vif e0b e0c
vlan create vif 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a mediatype auto flowcontrol full mtusize 1500
ifconfig e0d netmask
ifconfig vif-6 netmask
ifconfig vif-7 netmask
ifconfig vif-6 alias netmask
ifconfig vif-6 alias netmask
route add default 1
routed on
options dns.enable off
options nis.enable off
After the following command was executed:
Add-NaNetRoute default 1 -Creator inblrx802
the /etc/rc file became like this:
hostname inblrx900
ifgrp create multi vif -b ip e0b e0c
vlan create vif 1
vlan add vif 2
vlan add vif 3
vlan add vif 4
vlan add vif 5
vlan add vif 6
vlan add vif 7
ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a netmask broadcast flowcontrol full up
ifconfig e0b flowcontrol full up
ifconfig e0c flowcontrol full up
ifconfig e0d `hostname`-e0d netmask broadcast flowcontrol full up
ifconfig vif up
ifconfig vif-1 up
ifconfig vif-2 up
ifconfig vif-3 up
ifconfig vif-4 up
ifconfig vif-5 up
ifconfig vif-6 `hostname`-vif-6 netmask broadcast up
ifconfig vif-6 alias netmask broadcast up
ifconfig vif-6 alias netmask broadcast up
ifconfig vif-7 `hostname`-vif-7 netmask broadcast up
Do we have any other way to add the default gateway to a newly created vfiler and make an entry in the /etc/rc file in a much cleaner way?
Hi, please add Data ONTAP version and PowerShell toolkit version. I see this is not expected behavior - it should have the options and savecore after execution of the command even.
I have the same issue that when WFA creates a vFiler /etc/rc and /etc/hosts files are messed up.
The cmdlets used by the creation process are the following:
Any idea where should i put the case for this? The WFA versions is and i can get the PSTK version as well if needed.
I also find a bug which might be relevant (746083).
Any hints are welcome!
Kind regards,
Request you to call up NetApp support and open a support case for the same.
Hi Guys,
I developed a solution to this issue as a workaround for BURT 746803. Instead of using the PowerShell CmdLet just use SSH.
Rather than using the WFA Certified Commands I created custom commands that use the "Invoke-NaSsh" CmdLet to run the SSH commands you would use to create a vfiler as per the following KB article:
See source code for the WFA commands below to create a vfiler and a vlan
Create and configure vfiler using SSH:
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The name or IP address of the controller")] [String]$Array, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The name of the vFiler")] [String]$VfilerName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The name or IP address of the partner controller")] [String]$Partner, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Delimited list of ip_address:netmask:interface to be bound to the new vFiler eg")] [Array]$IpAddressBindings, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The IP Address of the vFilers default route to add")] [String]$DefaultRoute, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Comma separated list of volume or qtree paths to be owned by the new vFiler")] [Array]$Storage, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="IPspace of the new vFiler. If it does not exist it will be created. If not provided, the vFiler will be created in the default-ipspace")] [String]$IpSpace, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="DNS domain name for the vFiler")] [String]$DnsDomainName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Comma separated list of DNS servers for the vFiler")] [Array]$DnsServers, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="NIS domain name for the vFiler")] [String]$NisDomainName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Comma separated list of NIS servers for the vFiler")] [Array]$NisServers, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Administrative host name for the vFiler")] [String]$AdminHostName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Administrative host IP address for the vFiler")] [String]$AdminHostIpAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Enable CIFS on the new vFiler")] [Bool]$CifsSupported=$True, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Enable NFS on the new vFiler")] [Bool]$NfsSupported=$True, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Enable HTTP on the new vFiler")] [Bool]$HttpSupported=$True, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Enable FTP on the new vFiler")] [Bool]$FtpSupported=$True, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Enable iSCSI on the new vFiler")] [Bool]$IscsiSupported=$True, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Enable RSH on the new vFiler")] [Bool]$RshSupported=$True, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Enable SSH on the new vFiler")] [Bool]$SshSupported=$True ) #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Validate input paramaters ensuring there is atleast one IPAddress binding info in the command input. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($IpAddressBindings.Length -eq 0){ Throw "At least one IpAddress binding should be provided"; } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Ensure that either both DNS domain name and servers or none are provided. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If(($DnsDomainName -And !$DnsServers) -Or (!$DnsDomainName -and $DnsServers)){ Throw "Both DNS Domain name and servers should be provided"; } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Ensure that either both NIS domain name and servers or none are provided. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If(($NisDomainName -And !$NisServers) -Or (!$NisDomainName -and $NisServers)){ Throw "Both NIS Domain name and servers should be provided"; } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Store only the IP Addresses from the IPAddressBiding array as only IpAddresses are required for New-NaVfiler #'Complete binding information is required for New-NaVFilerIPAddress in the form of array of IpBindingInfo objects #'List of interfaces are derived from array of IpAddressBinding. Required for assigning the interfaces to a non-default IPspace if specified. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [String]$filePath = "/vol/vol0/etc/rc" [Array]$ipAddresses = @() [Array]$interfaces = @() #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Each element in $IpAddressBindings is in the form of <IpAddress>:<Netmask>:<Interface> #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ForEach($ipAddressBindingInfo In $IpAddressBindings){ $binding = $ipAddressBindingInfo.split(":") If($binding.Length -ne 3){ Throw "Each element in the IpAddressBindings must be in the format of`: <IpAddress>`:<Netmask>`:<Interface>" } [Array]$ipAddresses += $binding[0] [Array]$interfaces += $binding[2] [String]$vFilerSubnet = $binding[0].SubString(0, $binding[0].LastIndexOfAny(".")) } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Check if the vFilers Default Route is on the same subnet as the vfiler. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($DefaultRoute){ [String]$routeSubnet = $DefaultRoute.SubString(0, $DefaultRoute.LastIndexOfAny(".")) If($vFilerSubnet -ne $routeSubnet){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "The vFilers default Route ""$DefaultRoute"" is not on the same subnet as ""$ipAddresses""" #Throw "The vFilers default Route ""$DefaultRoute"" is not on the same subnet as ""$ipAddresses""" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Connect to the controller. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connect-WfaController -Array $Array Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("Creating vFiler`: name`: " + $VfilerName + ", IP addresses`: " + $IpAddressBindings + ", storage`: " + $Storage + ", IP space: " + $Ipspace) #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Check if the IPspace exists on the controller. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($Ipspace){ Try{ $ipSpaceInArray = Get-NaNetIpspace -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.ipspace -eq $Ipspace} Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Enumerated IP Space ""$Ipspace"" on controller ""$Array""" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed enumerating IP Space ""$Ipspace"" on controller ""$Array"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed enumerating IP Space ""$Ipspace""" } #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #'Ensure the IPspace is created on the controller. #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- If(-Not($ipSpaceInArray)){ Try{ Get-WFALogger -Info -message "Creating Ipspace ""$Ipspace"" on controller ""$Array""" [String]$command = "ipspace create $Ipspace" #New-NaNetIpspace -Name $Ipspace Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error`: " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed creating IPspace ""$Ipspace"" on controller ""$Array""" } Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Created IPspace ""$Ipspace"" on controller ""$Array""" }Else{ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "The IPspace ""$Ipspace"" already exists on controller ""$Array""" } #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #'Enumerate the network interface. #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ForEach($interface In $interfaces){ #Check if interface is already in ipspace. Addition will fail if it is. Try{ $interfaceInIpSpace = Get-NaNetInterface -Name $interface -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.IpspaceName -eq $Ipspace} Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Enumerated network interface ""$interface"" on controller ""$Array""" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed enumerating network interface ""$interface"" on controller ""$Array"". Error`: " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed enumerating network interface ""$interface"" on controller ""$Array""" } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Assign the network interface to the ipspace if the vfiler is being created in a non-default IPspace. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------ If(-Not($interfaceInIpSpace)){ Try{ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("Assigning interface " + $interface + " to IPspace " + $Ipspace) #Set-NaNetIpspace -Name $Ipspace -Interfaces $interfaces -ErrorAction Stop [String]$command = "ipspace assign $Ipspace $interface" Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error`: " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed to assign IP Space ""$Ipspace"" to network interface ""$interface"" on controller ""$Array""" } }Else{ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "The network interface ""$interface"" is already in IPspace ""$Ipspace""" } } }Else{ $Ipspace = "default-ipspace"; } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Re-Enumerate the network interface now that it has been assigned to the IP Space #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ $interfaceInIpSpace = Get-NaNetInterface -Name $interface -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.IpspaceName -eq $Ipspace} Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Enumerated network interface ""$interface"" on controller ""$Array""" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed enumerating network interface ""$interface"" on controller ""$Array"". Error`: " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed enumerating network interface ""$interface"" on controller ""$Array""" } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Get the MTU Size if it is specified on the interface. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Bool]$setMtu = $False If($interfaceInIpSpace.MtusizeSpecified){ [Int]$mtuSize = $interfaceInIpSpace.Mtusize [Bool]$setMtu = $True } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Create the vFiler. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ [String]$vFilerRootVolume = $Storage[$Storage.GetLowerBound(0)] Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Creating new vfiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" #New-NaVfiler -Name $VfilerName -Addresses $ipAddresses -Storage $Storage -Ipspace $Ipspace -ErrorAction stop [String]$command = "vfiler create $VfilerName -n -s $Ipspace -i $ipAddresses $vFilerRootVolume" Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed to create vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Setup IP Address bindings for the vFiler. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Array]$sourceEtcLines = @() [Array]$parnterEtcLines = @() [Array]$vFilerRoutes = @() Try{ ForEach($ipAddressBindingInfo in $IpAddressBindings){ $binding = $ipAddressBindingInfo.split(":") Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("Setting vfiler Address " + $binding[0] + " Interface " + $binding[2] + " Netmask " + $binding[1]) If($setMtu){ #Set-NaVfilerAddress -Name $VfilerName -Addresses $binding[0] -Interface $binding[2] -Netmask $binding[1] -ErrorAction Stop [String]$command = "ifconfig " + $binding[2] + " " + $binding[0] + " up netmask " + $binding[1] + " mtusize " + $mtuSize + " partner " + $binding[2] [Array]$sourceEtcLines += "ifconfig " + $binding[2] + " " + $binding[0] + " netmask " + $binding[1] + " mtusize " + $mtuSize + " partner " + $binding[2] [Array]$parnterEtcLines += "ifconfig " + $binding[2] + " mtusize " + $mtuSize + " partner " + $binding[2] Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Else{ [String]$command = "ifconfig " + $binding[2] + " " + $binding[0] + " up netmask " + $binding[1] + " partner " + $binding[2] [Array]$sourceEtcLines += "ifconfig " + $binding[2] + " " + $binding[0] + " netmask " + $binding[1] + " partner " + $binding[2] [Array]$parnterEtcLines += "ifconfig " + $binding[2] + " partner " + $binding[2] Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" } } }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed to set the IP configuration for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Add the vfilers default route if required. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($DefaultRoute -ne ""){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Adding default route for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" Try{ [String]$command = "vfiler run $VfilerName route add default $DefaultRoute 1" [Array]$vFilerRoutes += $command Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed to add the default route for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Setup DNS for the vFiler. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($DnsDomainName){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Setting up DNS for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" Try{ #Set-NaVfilerDns -Name $VfilerName -DnsDomain $DnsDomainName -DnsServerAddresses $DnsServers -ErrorAction Stop [String]$command = "vfiler run $VfilerName setup -d $DnsDomainName`:$DnsServers" Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed to set the DNS domain for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Setup NIS for the vFiler #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($NISDomainName){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Setting up NIS for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" Try{ #Set-NaVfilerNis -Name $VfilerName -NisDomain $NISDomainName -NisServerAddresses $NisServers -ErrorAction Stop [String]$command = "vfiler run $VfilerName setup -n $NISDomainName`:$NisServers" Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed to set the NIS domain for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Setup administrative host for the vFiler #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($AdminHostIPAddress){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Setting vfiler AdminHost ""$AdminHostName"" IP Address ""$AdminHostIpAddress""" Try{ #Set-NaVfilerAdminHost -Name $VfilerName -Hostname $AdminHostName -Address $AdminHostIpAddress -ErrorAction Stop [String]$command = "vfiler run $VfilerName setup -a $AdminHostName`:$AdminHostIpAddress" Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed to set the administrative host for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Setup the vfiler root password #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $credentials = Get-WfaCredentials -Host $ipAddresses[0] If($credentials){ [String]$username = $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().username [String]$password = $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Setting up vfiler password for user ""$userName"" on vfiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" #Set-NaVfilerPassword -Name $VfilerName -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop [String]$command = "vfiler run $VfilerName setup -p $password" #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #'Mask the password so it does not get written to the log in clear text. #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [String]$passwordMask = "" For($i = 0; $i -le $password.Length; $i++){ [String]$passwordMask += "*" } [String]$passwordMask = $passwordMask.SubString(0, ($passwordMask.Length -1)) [String]$passwordCommand = "vfiler run $VfilerName setup -p $passwordMask" #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try{ Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $passwordCommand" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command: $passwordCommand. Error`: " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed to set password for user ""$username"" on vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" } }Else{ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("The VFiler Credentials were not found for IP address " + $ipAddresses[0]) } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Set the vfiler disallowed protocols. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($NfsSupported -And $CifsSupported -And $IscsiSupported -And $HttpSupported -And $FtpSupported -And $RshSupported -And $SshSupported){ #'Since it's a new vfiler all protocols are enabled by default. }Else{ [Array]$disAllowProtocols = @() If(!$NfsSupported){ [Array]$disAllowProtocols += "proto=nfs" } If(!$CifsSupported){ [Array]$disAllowProtocols += "proto=cifs" } If(!$IscsiSupported){ [Array]$disAllowProtocols += "proto=iscsi" } If(!$HttpSupported){ [Array]$disAllowProtocols += "proto=http" } If(!$FtpSupported){ [Array]$disAllowProtocols += "proto=ftp" } If(!$RshSupported){ [Array]$disAllowProtocols += "proto=rsh" } If(!$SshSupported){ [Array]$disAllowProtocols += "proto=ssh" } Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Disabling protocols on " + $VfilerName) Try{ #Set-NaVfilerProtocol -Name $VFilerName -DisallowProtocols $disAllowProtocols -ErrorAction Stop [String]$command = "vfiler disallow $VfilerName $disAllowProtocols" Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error`: " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed disallowing protocols for vFiler ""$VfilerName"" on controller ""$Array""" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Update the ifconfig commands in the /etc/rc file. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Appending ifconfig commands to the ""$filePath"" file on controller ""$Array""" ForEach($sourceEtcLine In $sourceEtcLines){ Try{ Write-NaFile -Path $filePath -Data $sourceEtcLine -AppendLine -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Added line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $sourceEtcLine" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed adding line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $sourceEtcLine. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed adding line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $sourceEtcLine" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Update the vfiler route commands in the /etc/rc file. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Appending route commands to the ""$filePath"" file on controller ""$Array""" ForEach($vFilerRoute In $vFilerRoutes){ Try{ Write-NaFile -Path $filePath -Data $vFilerRoute -AppendLine -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Added line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $vFilerRoute""" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed adding line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $vFilerRoute. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed adding line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $vFilerRoute""" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Connect to the partner controller if specified. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($Partner){ Connect-WfaController -Array $Partner #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Appending ifconfig commands to the ""$filePath"" file on controller ""$partnerName""" #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #'Update the ifconfig commands in the /etc/rc file on the partner. #'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ForEach($parnterEtcLine In $parnterEtcLines){ Try{ Write-NaFile -Path $filePath -Data $parnterEtcLine -AppendLine -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Added line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Partner"". Line`: $parnterEtcLine" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed adding line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Partner"". Line`: $parnterEtcLine. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed adding line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$partnerName"". Line`: $parnterEtcLine" } } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create VLAN using SSH:
param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Array name or IP address")] [String]$Array, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Interface to add a VLAN to")] [String]$Interface, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Vlan ID")] [ValidateRange(1,4094)] [Int]$VlanID ) #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Connect to controller #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connect-WfaController -Array $Array Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Connected to controller ""$Array""" #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Parameter setup #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Bool]$foundVlan = $False [Bool]$foundIpspace = $False [String]$newInterface = $Interface + "-" + $VlanID [String]$filePath = "/vol/vol0/etc/rc" #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Enumerate the VLANs #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ $vlans = Get-NaNetVlan -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Enumerated VLANs on controller ""$Array""" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed enumerating VLANs on controller ""$Array"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed enumerating VLANs on controller ""$Array""" } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Check if the VLAN exists. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ForEach($vlan in $vlans){ If($VlanID -eq $vlan.tag -And $Interface -eq $vlan.parentinterface){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "The VLAN ""$vlan"" already exists" [Bool]$foundVlan = $True } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Ensure the VLAN is created if it doesn't exist. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If(-Not($foundVlan)){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Creating VLAN on Network Interface" Try{ #Add-NaNetVlan -Interface $Interface -Vlans $VlanID -ErrorAction Stop [String]$command = "vlan add $Interface $VlanID" Invoke-NaSsh -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed executing command`: $command. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed creating VLAN ""$VlanID"" for interface ""$Interface"" on controller ""$Array""" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Update the VLAN create command in the /etc/rc file. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If(-Not($foundVlan)){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Appending vlan create command to the ""$filePath"" file on controller ""$Array""" Try{ Write-NaFile -Path $filePath -Data $command -AppendLine -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Added line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed adding line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $command. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed adding line to ""$filePath"" on controller ""$Array"". Line`: $command" } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hope that helps