Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

System manager 2.0.1 issue


I ran into an issue after a power failure where upon reboot my network settings were lost. Turns out this was most likely due to a bug on sys mgr 2.0.1. Now I am able to set the ips to the interfaces via wrfile line however I am concerned if the controller attempts to failover again the same thing will happen. I read where it is suggested that we rerun setup and set all of the interfaces up that way. However this will cause me to lose all of my NFS exports (30 host ESXi cluster). Any ideas on how to fix? Im running Ontap 8.1 7 mode on a v3270.

Thanks in advance.



I highly encourage you to download, install and use System Manager 2.0.2.

It has some functionality disabled so that you don't run into that problem again and provides a tool to check some of the controllers configuration files against the running and active configuration for errors.

From the download page:


System Manager 2.0.2 Changes

System Manager 2.0.2  includes the following changes:

  • Diagnostic tool: Network Configuration Checker
    You can use the  Network Configuration Checker tool to verify the  network configuration settings in the /etc/rc file with the active configuration settings in the storage system. You can verify the network settings for  interface groups, VLANs, interfaces, and  routes. The tool also identifies corruption or misconfiguration in the /etc/rc file that can potentially cause the storage systems to become inaccessible.
    Note: The Network Configuration Checker  tool is supported on storage systems running Data ONTAP 7.3.3 or later operating in 7-Mode.
  • Other changes
    The previously available editing capabilities for the network configuration settings such as DNS, NIS, and network interfaces are disabled in this release of System Manager.


Please also check the following CSB for more details:

regarding /etc/rc and /etc/hosts:

regarding CIFS and vFiler configuration:

regards, Niels
