ONTAP version 7.2
I have an OM setup v 3.5 and I want to upgrade to 3.7 and at the same time move the database from the local machine to SAN storage. I thought this was going to be a straightforward process, but it hasn't seemed to work out that way.
1. The OM server has a coprorate network team, a SAN network team and a SVault network team.
2. In order to move the database to a LUN on the SAN I need to dissolve the SAN network team, install iSCSI/MPIO/SnapDrive and create a MPIO team (I've been told that NIC teaming is not supported by Microsoft over iSCSI).
3. I was going to map to a LUN I've created on one of my filers and then migrate the database to the LUN and then upgrade to 3.7
4. OM monitors 6 filers, events, SnapVaulst and SnapMirrors, etc.
My concern is the MPIO setup. If I was going to just map to a LUN on one filer I would establish the MPIO link to just the target filer. As I have OM monitoring 6 filers what impact is dissolving my NIC team and creating the MPIO team going to have on my monitoring?
has anyone got any experience of setting up MPIO/LUNs on an OM box.