Hi all,
Slowly getting to grips with WFA, so please forgive me if I'm missing something fundamental but I've spent some considerable time trying to get a WFA command to remotely set NTFS permissions on a cluster hosted share. The latest version of my code (also hosted on the windows wfa server) is here:
$Cluster = "clust1"
Connect-WfaCluster -node $Cluster -vserver "vsm1"
$secpasswd = convertto-securestring "password" -asplaintext -force
$mycreds = new-object system.management.automation.pscredential ("domain\user", $secpasswd)
$s = new-pssession -computername wfa1 -credential $mycreds
enter-pssession $s
invoke-command -session $s -scriptblock {c:\erunas\mod2.ps1}
remove-pssession $s
within the mod2.ps1 i am simply trying to perform a couple of tests and initially retrieve the current permissions using get-acl:
set-executionpolicy -executionpolicy bypass -scope currentuser
whoami > c:\erunas\who.txt
test-connection -computername wfa1 > c:\erunas\wfa1.txt
$a = get-acl "\\vsm1\AMDEV_App"
$a > c:\erunas\amdev.txt
"whoami" returns the parsed account from the new-pssession, and is an account with full rights to the share
"test-connection" confirms communication from wfa (web gui) to effectively itself (i.e. where the script is)
Although receive Access Denied when attempting to capture and save get-acl results
If I run the get-acl command independant of wfa, using the same account, in a "standard" powershell session it works fine.
My thinking was that I need to use an alternate account otherwise "NT Authority \ System" account is used and is insufficient.
Any feedback very much appreciated.