Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
when calling the cmdlet Get-NcNetPortIfgrp on WFA 3.1RC1 to a Netapp having cDot on 8.3.1
I'm getting an error that the API can't be found (see below).
All other API-calls via cmdlets to the same Netapp work fine.
Can somebody help here?
Is it the Ontapi-Version on the WFA or the the Netapp not having that API?
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\PoSH> Get-NcNetPortIfgrp
Get-NcNetPortIfgrp : Unable to find API: net-port-ifgrp-get on admin vserver 123
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-NcNetPortIfgrp
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (123:NcController) [Get-NcNetPortIfgrp], EAPINOTFOUND
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NetPortIfgrpGetFailed,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Net.GetNcNetPortIfgrp
Get-NcNetPortIfgrp : Unable to find API: net-port-ifgrp-get on admin vserver 123
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-NcNetPortIfgrp
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (123:NcController) [Get-NcNetPortIfgrp], EAPINOTFOUND
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NetPortIfgrpGetFailed,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Net.GetNcNetPortIfgrp
Solved! See The Solution
net-port-ifgrp-get is ONTAP API and its present on 8.3.1 CMode. Are you sure about your cluster being 8.3.1 Cmode?
Can you try the below and post the output.
1. Login to your WFA windows machine and to to WFA/bin folder
2. Double-click to launch ps.cmd file . It will launch the powershell with the WFA and ONTAP modules loaded
3. Run the below cmdlets. You should get the output as given below in green.
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\bin> Connect-NcController -Name <cluster-ip> -Credential <user-name>
Name Address Vserver Version
---- ------- ------- ------- NetApp Release 8...
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\bin> Get-NcNetPortIfgrp
IfgrpName Distribution Mode Ports Nod
Function e
--------- ------------ ---- ----- ---
a0a port singlemode {e1d} f32
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\bin> Get-natoolkitversion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
3 3 0 62
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\bin> Get-NcSystemVersion
NcController Value
------------ ----- NetApp Release 8.3.1X5: Sun Mar 15 0...
net-port-ifgrp-get is ONTAP API and its present on 8.3.1 CMode. Are you sure about your cluster being 8.3.1 Cmode?
Can you try the below and post the output.
1. Login to your WFA windows machine and to to WFA/bin folder
2. Double-click to launch ps.cmd file . It will launch the powershell with the WFA and ONTAP modules loaded
3. Run the below cmdlets. You should get the output as given below in green.
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\bin> Connect-NcController -Name <cluster-ip> -Credential <user-name>
Name Address Vserver Version
---- ------- ------- ------- NetApp Release 8...
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\bin> Get-NcNetPortIfgrp
IfgrpName Distribution Mode Ports Nod
Function e
--------- ------------ ---- ----- ---
a0a port singlemode {e1d} f32
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\bin> Get-natoolkitversion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
3 3 0 62
PS C:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\bin> Get-NcSystemVersion
NcController Value
------------ ----- NetApp Release 8.3.1X5: Sun Mar 15 0...
This way it works.
Problem was: I opened a plain powershell, and started WFA\PoSH\profile.ps1
--> that way this commmand is not working but 99% of the others.
Can you tell me why this didn't work when calling the profile.ps1 instead of the ps.cmd?
Not sure. the ps.cmd also Imports the WFA profile.ps1 itself. And some other modules.
So nothing different there.
When I ran
Get-NtapFilerData -Name 'X.X.X.X' | Format-NtapFilerData | Out-NtapDocument -WordFile 'D:\Output\Site.Docx' -ExcelFile 'D:\Output\Site.xlsx'
Why am I getting this error? WARNING: Empty dataset found so document generation not possible.
Please help!
This appears to be a new question, you may want to start a new topic to get better visibility.
That being said, have you checked the output of the "Get-NtapFilerData -Verbose" command? Does it output what's expected? Are there any errors from that command? The "-Verbose" option will cause it to output more information and possibly give a hint as to what's happening.
This is what I get when I ran Get-NtapFilerData -Verbose
VERBOSE: Initializing function: Get-NtapFilerData (NetAppDocs v2.6.1)
VERBOSE: Validating connectivity to system: X X X X
Get-NtapFilerData : Unable to gather data from system. Reason: Connection Failed (No valid credentials specified for
HTTPS/HTTP connection).
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-NtapFilerData -Verbose
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (X X X X :String) [Get-NtapFilerData], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Connection Failed (No valid credentials specified for HTTPS/HTTP connection).,Get-NtapFi
You'll need to supply a username and password with the Get-NtapFilerData command...
Get-NtapFilerData -Name controller1,controller2 -Credential (Get-Credential)
Alternatively, you can connect to the controller(s) and pass the object via the pipeline:
# # warning! I don't have a 7-mode system to test this against, so it is untested # code...that being said, it should work and there *should* be no risk # $controller1 = Connect-NaController -Credential (Get-Credential) $controller2 = Connect-NaController -Credential (Get-Credential) $controller1,$controller2 | Get-NtapFilerData