Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

qtree monitoring delays - OnCommand 5.1



I am experiencing issues with the qtree monitoring as our application teams rely on the alerts being cleared when they free up space in the qtree. I was running DFM 4.0.2 on a physical server with qtreeMonInterval value set to 30 min, but recently upgraded to DFM 5.1 on a VM. I recently logged the issue with NetApp and they suggested settting the values to default, which will not work in our environment. Other suggestions applied were:

dfm option set snapDeltaMonitorEnabled=no

dfm option set is EnableWGChecks=No

The server is performing fine, so I dont think there is any CPU\Memory bottleneck:

Relevant details from DFM diag:

Management Station
Version                 (5.1)
Executable Type                  64-bit
Serial Number                    1-50-000225
Edition                          Standard edition of DataFabric Manager server
Data ONTAP Operating Mode        7-Mode

Administrator Name              
Host Name                       
Host IP Address                 
Host Full Name                  
Node limit                       250 (currently managing 17)
Operating System                 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) x64 based
CPU Count                        4
System Memory                    16383 MB (load: 22%)
Installation Directory           C:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM
                                 20.6 GB free (51.4%)
Perf Data Directory              e:\perfdata
Data Export Directory            C:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/dataExport
Database Backup Directory        e:/data
Reports Archival Directory       e:\reports
Database Directory               e:/data
                                 256 GB free (63.9%)
Database Log Directory           e:/data
                                 256 GB free (63.9%)
Licensed Features                DataFabric Manager server: installed

Object Counts

Object Type                    Count

Administrator                  31

Aggregate                      57

App Policy                     2

Array LUNs                     0

Backup jobs started within last week 0

Clusters                       0

Configuration                  6

Datasets containing generic app objects 0

Datasets containing generic app objects and with storage service attached 0

Datasets with application policy attached 0

Datasets with storage service attached 0

Disks                          2112

DP Managed OSSV Rels           0

DP Managed SnapMirror Rels     0

DP Managed SnapVault Rels      0

DP Policy                      37

DP Schedule                    19

DP Throttle                    1

FCP Target                     32

Host                           32

Initiator Group                58

Interface                      163

Lun Path                       295

Mgmt Station                   1

Mirror                         57

Mount jobs started within last week 0

Network                        10

OSSV Directory                 30

OSSV Hosts                     2

OSSV Rels                      0

Primary Storage Systems        2

Prov Policy                    16

Qtree                          5384

Qtrees in DP Managed QtreeSnapMirror Rel 0

Qtrees in DP Managed SnapVault Rel 0

Qtrees in QtreeSnapMirror Rel  10

Qtrees in SnapVault Rel        0

QuotaUser                      21194

report schedule                6

Resource Group                 121

Resource Pool                  2
Restore jobs started within last week 0
Role                           34
schedule                       5
Secondary Storage Systems      2
SnapMirror Rels                59
SnapVault Rels                 0
Storage Service                16
Unmount jobs started within last week 0
UserQuota                      15683
vFilers                        13
Virtual Servers                0
Volume                         552
Volumes in DP Managed VolumeSnapMirror Rel 0
Volumes in VolumeSnapMirror Rel 104
Zapi Hosts                     17

Monitoring Timestamps
Timestamp Name       Status   Interval     Default      Last Updated     Status   Error if older than ...
ccTimestamp          Normal   4 hours      4 hours                                28 Feb 06:40
cfTimestamp          Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    28 Feb 10:40     Normal   28 Feb 10:35
clusterTimestamp     Error    Off          15 minutes   Not updated ( clusterMonInterval is set to Off )
cpuTimestamp         Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    28 Feb 10:40     Normal   28 Feb 10:35
dfTimestamp          Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   28 Feb 10:39     Normal   28 Feb 10:10
diskTimestamp        Normal   4 hours      4 hours      28 Feb 10:40     Normal   28 Feb 06:41
envTimestamp         Normal   5 minutes    5 minutes    28 Feb 10:41     Normal   28 Feb 10:36
fsTimestamp          Normal   15 minutes   15 minutes   28 Feb 10:40     Normal   28 Feb 10:26
hostPingTimestamp    Normal   1 minute     1 minute     28 Feb 10:41     Normal   28 Feb 10:40
ifTimestamp          Normal   15 minutes   15 minutes   28 Feb 10:41     Normal   28 Feb 10:26
licenseTimestamp     Normal   4 hours      4 hours      28 Feb 10:38     Normal   28 Feb 06:41
lunTimestamp         Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   28 Feb 10:38     Normal   28 Feb 10:11
opsTimestamp         Normal   10 minutes   10 minutes   28 Feb 10:41     Normal   28 Feb 10:31
qtreeTimestamp       Error    1 hour       8 hours                                28 Feb 09:41
rbacTimestamp        Normal   1 day        1 day        27 Feb 18:11     Normal   27 Feb 10:41
userQuotaTimestamp   Normal   1 day        1 day        28 Feb 10:22     Normal   27 Feb 10:41
sanhostTimestamp     Error    6 hours      5 minutes                              28 Feb 04:41
snapmirrorTimestamp  Error    2 hours      30 minutes   28 Feb 10:33     Normal   28 Feb 08:41
snapshotTimestamp    Normal   30 minutes   30 minutes   28 Feb 10:38     Normal   28 Feb 10:11
statusTimestamp      Normal   10 minutes   10 minutes   28 Feb 10:41     Normal   28 Feb 10:31
sysInfoTimestamp     Normal   1 hour       1 hour       28 Feb 10:38     Normal   28 Feb 09:41
svTimestamp          Error    6 hours      30 minutes   28 Feb 08:29     Normal   28 Feb 04:41
svMonTimestamp       Normal   8 hours      8 hours      28 Feb 07:14     Normal   28 Feb 02:41
xmlQtreeTimestamp    Error    1 hour       8 hours      28 Feb 10:32     Normal   28 Feb 09:41
vFilerTimestamp      Normal   1 hour       1 hour       28 Feb 10:32     Normal   28 Feb 09:41
vserverTimestamp     Error    Off          1 hour       Not updated ( vserverMonInterval is set to Off )

monitordb.db                     1.71 GB
dbFileVersion                    10

ConnCount                        46 connections
MaxCacheSize                     8388384 KBytes
CurrentCacheSize                 1623080 KBytes
PeakCacheSize                    1623080 KBytes
PageSize                         8192 Bytes

DP Job Information
Job State                        Count
Jobs Running                     0
Jobs Completed Total             1
Jobs Aborted Total               0
Jobs Aborting Total              0
Jobs Completed Today             0
Jobs Aborted Today               0
Jobs Aborting Today              0

Dataset Protection Status
Protection State                 Count
Protected                        0
Unprotected                      0

Event Counts
Table                            Count
Events                           212990
Current Events                   201401
Abnormal Events                  5931

Event Type Counts
Event Type                 Count
userquota.kbytes           36898
userquota.kbytes.soft.limit 36090
userquota.files.soft.limit 36090
userquota.files            36090
sm.delete                  9259
qtree.kbytes               7754
qtree.files                6844                 5998
perf:cifs:cifs_latency     5064
qtree.growthrate           4404

Version                 (5.1)

Excerpts from the dfmmonitor.log

Feb 28 08:46:58 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dbsrv11     up      1.0 days, mem = 1.13 GB, cpu = 28.9%, db = 1.71 GB, log = 11.6 MB

Feb 28 09:17:31 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dbsrv11     up      1.0 days, mem = 1.15 GB, cpu = 18.4%, db = 1.71 GB, log = 13.1 MB

Feb 28 09:35:12 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.0 days, mem = 142 MB, cpu = 27.0%

Feb 28 09:40:08 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.0 days, mem = 93.7 MB, cpu = 27.1%

Feb 28 09:41:16 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.0 days, mem = 104 MB, cpu = 26.9%

Feb 28 09:45:30 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 117 MB, cpu = 5.5%

Feb 28 09:47:10 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dbsrv11     up      1.1 days, mem = 1.15 GB, cpu = 25.2%, db = 1.71 GB, log = 14.6 MB

Feb 28 10:11:00 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 78.9 MB, cpu = 29.5%

Feb 28 10:11:48 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 88.8 MB, cpu = 26.7%

Feb 28 10:12:14 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 99.7 MB, cpu = 27.0%

Feb 28 10:12:30 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 113 MB, cpu = 28.8%

Feb 28 10:17:37 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 136 MB, cpu = 12.2%

Feb 28 10:17:53 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dbsrv11     up      1.1 days, mem = 1.15 GB, cpu = 42.0%, db = 1.71 GB, log = 16.2 MB

Feb 28 10:18:08 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 104 MB, cpu = 17.0%

Feb 28 10:18:45 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 116 MB, cpu = 4.5%

Feb 28 10:19:54 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 129 MB, cpu = 5.8%

Feb 28 10:31:03 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 115 MB, cpu = 26.1%

Feb 28 10:33:47 [dfmwatchdog: INFO]: [5108:0x500]: dfmmonitor  up      1.1 days, mem = 134 MB, cpu = 28.9%

Although the status of xmlQtreeTimestamp is showing Normal, the DFM graph is way out:




Do you Monitor your Appliances with SNMPv1 or SNMPv3?

I recommend  to use SNMPv3:

Set  SNMPv3  as  the  preferred  SNMP  version.  As  this  improves  the  response  times  for  SNMP communication between DFM and Storage System


How to Setup:




I changed the monitoring to use SNMPv3 yesterday and left it overnight to see if it made a difference but I'm still seeing large lags on the xmlQtreeTimestamp. The weird thing is that the timestamp is not consistent across the controllers and it seems to be in sync with the userQuotaTimestamp

I'm sure something has changed in v5.1 as I don't recall this issue happening in 4.0.2. We are getting apps teams contacting us on a daily basis now to acknowledge a qtree alert as they have performed housekeeping on the share and are still receiving the alert a few hours later.

Any help appreciated



Just thought I would post an update to this issue. I've rolled back to using DFM 4.0.2 on a VM and have not seen any delays with the qtree monitoring samples, so something must have changed in v5.1. Unless someone identifies the actual issue, I don't think I will be in a hurry to move to v5.1.
