Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions on OC 5.1 Failed to drop user '' SQL Anywhere Error



i am running SLES 11 and getting errors on when setting up a wfa user with

cat /proc/version

Linux version 3.0.58-0.6.6-default (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 4.3.4 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 152973] (SUSE Linux) ) #1 SMP Tue Feb 19 11:07:00 UTC 2013 (1576ecd)

vml3978:/tmp # cat /etc/SuSE-release

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)



vml3978:/tmp # ./ /opt/NTAPdfm/java

Verifying archive integrity... All good.

Uncompressing WFA OnCommand Setup.....

*********************** Welcome to OnCommand Setup Utility for Linux ************************

* This utility enables remote read-only access to OnCommand(DFM) database

   tables, access is granted only to non-sensitive tables of DFM schema

* It is recommended you override the default user credentials, if you do not

   override, setup will grant access to the default user

* This utility requires a valid Java Runtime Environment(JRE)(6 or higher)

* Usage: './ <PATH-TO-JRE>'

  a. For OnCommand(DFM) versions which ship with Java (OC 5.0 or higher) you

      can point the installer to the 'java' folder in your DFM installation

      Example: './ /opt/NTAPdfm/java'

  b. For DFM versions which do not ship with Java (DFM 4.0.x or lower), you have

      to install Java Runtime Environment separately, and point to that JRE

      Example: './ /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre'


******************** Please override the default credentials below **************************

Override DB Username [wfa] :

Override DB Password :

Default credentials will be used if not overridden

**************************** Start of response from the database ****************************

>>> Connecting to database

<<< Connected

=== Failed to drop user '' SQL Anywhere Error -154: Wrong number of parameters to function 'sp_droplogin'

Exception in thread "main" com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybSQLException: SQL Anywhere Error -131: Syntax error near ',' on line 1

        at com.sybase.jdbc3.tds.Tds.a(Unknown Source)

        at com.sybase.jdbc3.tds.Tds.nextResult(Unknown Source)

        at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.ResultGetter.nextResult(Unknown Source)

        at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(Unknown Source)

        at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(Unknown Source)

        at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.executeLoop(Unknown Source)

        at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.execute(Unknown Source)

        at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.execute(Unknown Source)

        at com.netapp.wfa.ocsetup.a.c(Unknown Source)

        at com.netapp.wfa.ocsetup.Main.main(Unknown Source)

***************************** End of response from the database *****************************

**************************************** End of Setup ***************************************

Can you please have a look.

Best wishes,




Hi Markus,

Thanks for sending over the details.  Failed to drop user is normally okay because most of the time the user didn't exist anyway.  The fact that the user is showing up as '' (blank instead of 'wfa'), makes me think this might be a bug with the script not handling the default choices well.  Can you try re-running it and plugging in a user name and password, and let us know if that works?  Be sure to remember what you entered so you can set up the datasource in WFA correctly.




If the user doesn't exits, it gives an expected error, but still the new user gets created successfully. From the above details I see that no user has been created and the setup has thrown an unexpected exception. If the user doesn't exits the setup shows the follwoing:

=== Failed to drop user 'abhishek' SQL Anywhere Error -140: User ID 'abhishek' does not exist
=== Created user 'abhishek'
>>> Granting access
<<< Granted access

***************************** End of response from the database *****************************

**************************************** End of Setup ***************************************

Re-run the set-up, it should perhaps work.

If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.


Hi just ran into this error too, and this happens when you do not type in a user account at the prompt:

******************** Please override the default credentials below **************************

Override DB Username [wfa] :

You get a different error if the account does not exist.

So yes I think it's a error in the script that needs to be corrected so that it can use the account in the parenthesis []


Hi ,

          Are you also using the SUSE linux ? Can you post the Error message?

If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.


Linux version 2.6.18-308.11.1.el5 ( (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52))

-bash-3.2$ ./ /sbcimp/run/tp/sun/jre/v1.7.0_15-64bit/

Verifying archive integrity... All good.

Uncompressing WFA OnCommand Setup.....

*********************** Welcome to OnCommand Setup Utility for Linux ************************

* This utility enables remote read-only access to OnCommand(DFM) database

   tables, access is granted only to non-sensitive tables of DFM schema

* It is recommended you override the default user credentials, if you do not

   override, setup will grant access to the default user


* This utility requires a valid Java Runtime Environment(JRE)(6 or higher)

* Usage: './ <PATH-TO-JRE>'

  a. For OnCommand(DFM) versions which ship with Java (OC 5.0 or higher) you

      can point the installer to the 'java' folder in your DFM installation

      Example: './ /opt/NTAPdfm/java'


  b. For DFM versions which do not ship with Java (DFM 4.0.x or lower), you have

      to install Java Runtime Environment separately, and point to that JRE

      Example: './ /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre'


******************** Please override the default credentials below **************************

Override DB Username [wfa] :

Override DB Password :

Default credentials will be used if not overridden

**************************** Start of response from the database ****************************

>>> Connecting to database

<<< Connected

=== Failed to drop user '' SQL Anywhere Error -154: Wrong number of parameters to function 'sp_droplogin'

Exception in thread "main" com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybSQLException: SQL Anywhere Error -131: Syntax error near ',' on line 1

          at com.sybase.jdbc3.tds.Tds.a(Unknown Source)

          at com.sybase.jdbc3.tds.Tds.nextResult(Unknown Source)

          at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.ResultGetter.nextResult(Unknown Source)

          at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(Unknown Source)

          at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(Unknown Source)

          at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.executeLoop(Unknown Source)

          at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.execute(Unknown Source)

          at com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybStatement.execute(Unknown Source)

          at com.netapp.wfa.ocsetup.a.c(Unknown Source)

          at com.netapp.wfa.ocsetup.Main.main(Unknown Source)

***************************** End of response from the database *****************************

**************************************** End of Setup ***************************************

If I specify an account it completes without error:

-bash-3.2$ ./ /sbcimp/run/tp/sun/jre/v1.7.0_15-64bit/

Verifying archive integrity... All good.

Uncompressing WFA OnCommand Setup.....

*********************** Welcome to OnCommand Setup Utility for Linux ************************

* This utility enables remote read-only access to OnCommand(DFM) database

   tables, access is granted only to non-sensitive tables of DFM schema

* It is recommended you override the default user credentials, if you do not

   override, setup will grant access to the default user


* This utility requires a valid Java Runtime Environment(JRE)(6 or higher)

* Usage: './ <PATH-TO-JRE>'

  a. For OnCommand(DFM) versions which ship with Java (OC 5.0 or higher) you

      can point the installer to the 'java' folder in your DFM installation

      Example: './ /opt/NTAPdfm/java'


  b. For DFM versions which do not ship with Java (DFM 4.0.x or lower), you have

      to install Java Runtime Environment separately, and point to that JRE

      Example: './ /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre'


******************** Please override the default credentials below **************************

Override DB Username [wfa] :wfa

Override DB Password :

Default credentials will be used if not overridden

**************************** Start of response from the database ****************************

>>> Connecting to database

<<< Connected

*** Dropped existing 'wfa' user

=== Created user 'wfa'

>>> Granting access

<<< Granted access

***************************** End of response from the database *****************************

**************************************** End of Setup ***************************************


Thank you. This issue is being looked at and we shall get back to you as soon as possible.

If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.


Thanks a lot Tony !

From Tony :

Just did a bit more testing and this is what happens:

  1. If I just do a return and return i.e. blank username and password, then it runs OK and I get the expected results
  2. Type in wfa as the account and wfa as the password, it runs OK, and I get the expected results
  3. If I leave the account blank (just do a return) and then type in a password, I get the same error message before.

I'm running Red Hat 4.1.2-52)

Issue is with the script handling case 3.

We will fix that.



Hi Sandeep, Abishek,

Was this fixed in WFA 2.0.1? 





      Its not fixed in 2.0.1 and shall be fixed for 2.1.

If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.