Active IQ and AutoSupport Discussions

FAS8200 to AFF A220




We currently have FAS8200 which is housing most of our data including SQL data. Now, we plan to have an AFF A220 and put all SQL Data in there. We want to do this to have higher IOPS and utilize AFFs effective capacity.


My question is, if we do this, can we do the transfer of data using volume snapmirror? also, will the AFF effective capacity work right after transfer? Ex., Transfer 30TB of structured data from FAS to AFF with only 10TB usable capacity.


Hope you understand my concern. Thanks.







@JiggyI think you should post this in a different community where you might get better answers. I'm not an expert on this topic, but I can give you my opinion on both issues.


I'm concerned about you moving from a FAS8200 to an A220 for performance reasons. If you were heavily disk limited on the FAS8200, you might get more performance on the A220. However, if you were limited by CPU, then I have bad news: the FAS8200 has more CPU resources than the A220, so you'll actually be reducing performance. So, it depends on the situation you are in now.


As far as the transfer, my (limited) understanding is that the default SnapMirror transfer method preserves the current layout and therefore I don't think you'll see savings from storage efficiency until you run post-processing compression, deduplication, etc.. This means you would need space on the A220 to store an 30TB of data initially.


I hope that helps,



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@JiggyI think you should post this in a different community where you might get better answers. I'm not an expert on this topic, but I can give you my opinion on both issues.


I'm concerned about you moving from a FAS8200 to an A220 for performance reasons. If you were heavily disk limited on the FAS8200, you might get more performance on the A220. However, if you were limited by CPU, then I have bad news: the FAS8200 has more CPU resources than the A220, so you'll actually be reducing performance. So, it depends on the situation you are in now.


As far as the transfer, my (limited) understanding is that the default SnapMirror transfer method preserves the current layout and therefore I don't think you'll see savings from storage efficiency until you run post-processing compression, deduplication, etc.. This means you would need space on the A220 to store an 30TB of data initially.


I hope that helps,




 Thanks for your explanation. I get it now but We are also concerned about the input and output of data, apart from using this as SAN storage, we also have same storage in DR site which is used in Snapmirror replication and Backup repository using backup software.. we are having issue with the read and write for our Backup. and we think we can solve it by having more IOPS in the disk.


you'll have to do things after you move the data over. - check out this KB -

As far as moving it, you could also consider creating a 4 node cluster temporarily and just do vol moves one at a time and follow the kb.   
