Active IQ and AutoSupport Discussions

How to fix "raid.config.disk.bad.label:error"


Could anyone suggest how to fix the following error?

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.15 Shelf 7 Bay 15 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TR6M] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.10 Shelf 7 Bay 10 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TRD6] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.16 Shelf 7 Bay 16 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5P69H] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.12 Shelf 7 Bay 12 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5ML79] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.11 Shelf 7 Bay 11 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG58BP7] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.8 Shelf 7 Bay 8 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TR8D] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.4 Shelf 7 Bay 4 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TR9S] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.2 Shelf 7 Bay 2 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TR6N] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.17 Shelf 7 Bay 17 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TRJN] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.18 Shelf 7 Bay 18 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TRAB] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.3 Shelf 7 Bay 3 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG59R3X] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.7 Shelf 7 Bay 7 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5SWE7] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.19 Shelf 7 Bay 19 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TRDB] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.14 Shelf 7 Bay 14 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TRBL] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.9 Shelf 7 Bay 9 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5QVYD] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.5 Shelf 7 Bay 5 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5TRA1] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [raid.config.disk.bad.label:error]: Disk 0c.07.13 Shelf 7 Bay 13 [NETAPP   X282_SGLXY500SSS APPZ] S/N [9QG5MM5N] has bad label.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk drives

Mon Jun  6 04:32:16 GMT [sfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk shelves.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:18 GMT [10/100/1000/e0a:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up

Mon Jun  6 04:32:21 GMT [10/100/1000/e0b:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check cable

Mon Jun  6 04:32:22 GMT [httpd_servlet:warning]: Java Virtual Machine not accessible

Mon Jun  6 04:32:23 GMT [sysconfig.sysconfigtab.openFailed:notice]: sysconfig: table of valid configurations (/etc/sysconfigtab) is missing.

Mon Jun  6 04:32:23 GMT [mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 7.2.4L1 boot complete. Last disk update written at Mon Jun  6 04:30:29 GMT 2011

Mon Jun  6 04:32:23 GMT [asup.config.minimal.unavailable:warning]: Minimal Autosupports unavailable. Could not read /etc/asup_content.conf

Mon Jun  6 04:32:23 GMT [mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after a reboot command.




It looks like you tried to attach disks from a higher release (probably 8.x) to a 7.x system without first removing them in an orderly fashion from the 8.x system.  You might get things to work by doing this on the spares with bad labels:

Removing software-based disk ownership:

  1. At the storage system prompt, list the disks and their RAID status.
    filer> aggr status -r
  2. Note the names of the disks from which software-based disk ownership is to be removed.
  3. Enter advanced privilege mode.
    filer> priv set advanced
  4. Execute the following command on each disk:
    filer*> disk remove_ownership disk_name
    filer*> disk remove disk_name
  5. Exit advanced privilege mode.
    filer*> priv set
  6. Verify the disk(s) show as 'Not Owned'.
    filer> disk show -v

Any disk that is labeled 'Not Owned' is now ready to be moved to another storage system.

Normally, this should be done before you remove the disks from the first system. If you can get this done on your current system, then re-assigning ownership should get you where you want to be.

I'd suggest an upgrade to something a bit newer than 7.2.4L1 as well... like



Did it work?

I remember having a similar problem with some disks pulled out of 2040 (DOT 😎 trying to put them to use on 2020 (DOT 7.3). I tried Maintenance Mode (remove label), unfailing them with advanced privileges, releasing them, etc, but it didn't work because the labels were for DOT 8. In the end I placed them back in 2040 and performed revert_to process from 8.0 to 7.3 which renamed the labels to match that of 7.3.


Boot in maintenance mode,

run label makespare <disk_name> for each disk that has bad label

enjoy it



priv set advanced

disk unfail <disk_name>

ontap 7.2 and later....

priv set advanced

disk unfail -s <disk_name>


Thanks all.

Our issue has been resolved with your assistance.
