Additional Virtualization Discussions
Additional Virtualization Discussions
Hi everybody,
I have been surveyed many document in Netapp and citrix, all the documents illustrate iscsi multipath configure with two controllers,
I tried to connect FAS 3140(only one controller) using iSCSI to XenServer 5.6 ,
XenServer host
NIC 0 : /24(management interface)
NIC 1 : /24
NIC 2 : /24
FAS 3140
e0M : /24(management interface)
e0a : /24
e0b : /24
use 3 switches to separate 3 subnet,
Target Host:,
use CHAP: User:****** , Password:******
Target IQN : *(,
and Target LUN can be discovered
after Format the iSCSI SR , error appeared , XenServer can't plugging PBD and SIZE=0B in iSCSI SR
because I have only one NetAPP controller ?
The host should see two paths anyways with one controller up and two NIC ports configured.
Multipathing at the host side does not require 2 controllers. Have you tried setting up a bond instead of multipathing ? In your case, this is more appropriate.
Thank for your reply,
I had a environment using an Active-Passive bond on the same NetAPP stroage already.
I used 2 nic bonded in every xenserver ,and netapp used 4 interface trunked to a vif
But I want to improve VM's performance, so I create another environment to test multipath.
Should I set 2 interfaces on the FAS3140 in one iSCSI Portal Groups and give one Tag for it?
"I used 2 nic bonded in every xenserver ,and netapp used 4 interface trunked to a vif "
How many Xenservers you are using ? How netapp is using 4 interface ? Can you be little clear on your setup.
Multipath will give you redundancy and not the performance. You need to set the bond 'active-active' OR "link aggregate" to get more throughput.
Multipath does give you increased bandwidth. And as opposed to link aggregation, this increased bandwidth is real, deterministic and does not depend on selecting “the right” IP address or praying to have correct MAC address for better distribution.
Multipathing is better than link aggregation in all cases when we deal with block access.