We are using SMO 3.4.2 with Oracle RAC on OEL 7.6. Database is on ISCSI LUNs on ASM.
Unluckily from some point in time, we can't make backups anymore:
SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Backup Create. Root cause: ORACLE-10002: Error received from connection to Oracle database +ASM1: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied.
So we tried to verify / update profile -> same error.
We changed ASM Instance Authentication Method to "Use ASM Authentication" and supplied valid user and password (original profile had OS Authentication which failed to work from some point in time) -> same error (in addition we got ORA-17503 too, however the password file for ASM instance exists and is valid).
We dropped profile and tried to recreate -> same error.
Here again error stack when creating profile (with OS Authentication):
-[ INFO] SMO-13036: Starting operation Profile Create on host xxx
--[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID 8aae82b46b948331016b948335010009 starting on Profile RAC12C2
--[ INFO] SMO-13505: SnapDrive environment verification passed.
--[ INFO] SMO-13507: JDBC verification for "OS authenticated: RAC12C2/xxx" passed.
--[ INFO] SMO-13506: SQLPlus verification for database SID "RAC12C2" passed. Environment: [ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/]
--[ERROR] SMO-05075: Profile create failed: SMO-13504: Verify operation failed. Errors: [SMO-12104: Unable to connect to database to perform check. Database may not exist, may not be running, or the listener may not be running. Oracle error is: ORACLE-10002: Error received from connection to Oracle database +ASM2: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
With ASM Instance Authentication we get
--[ INFO] SMO-13036: Starting operation Profile Create on host xxx
--[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID 8aae82b46b9486b6016b9486b9d1000a starting on Profile RAC12C2
--[ INFO] SMO-13505: SnapDrive environment verification passed.
--[ INFO] SMO-13507: JDBC verification for "OS authenticated: RAC12C2/xxx" passed.
--[ INFO] SMO-13506: SQLPlus verification for database SID "RAC12C2" passed. Environment: [ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/]
--[ERROR] SMO-05075: Profile create failed: SMO-13504: Verify operation failed. Errors: [SMO-12104: Unable to connect to database to perform check. Database may not exist, may not be running, or the listener may not be running. Oracle error is: ORACLE-10002: Error received from connection to Oracle database +ASM2: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +GRID/orapwasm
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied