We are using a script to provision storage.
Whe are considering using this script to also provision datasets to be used with snapcreator.
Like this:
if ($application) {
$inputelem->child_add_string("is-application-data", "true");
my $applelem = NaElement->new("application-info");
if ($application =~ /db2|oracle/i) {
$applelem->child_add_string("application-name", "Snap Creator Framework");
$applelem->child_add_string("application-version", "3.5.0");
$applelem->child_add_string("application-server-name", "Snap Creator Server");
$applelem->child_add_string("is-application-responsible-for-primary-backup", "true");
$applelem->child_add_string("is-application-managing-primary-backup-retention", "true");
$applelem->child_add_string("carry-primary-backup-retention", "true");
Is this OK to do or do we absolutely need to use pmsetup?
We do not want to end up in a support situation when our method of creating the dataset would be questioned.
Also I read somewhere that when updating to 3.6.0 you dont need to create a new dataset because 3.6.0 should update the 3.5.0 dataset automatically?
Is this correct and will this work with our method above?
Regards Magnus