ONTAP version
NetApp Release 8.1.4P3 7-Mode
We have FilerA:vol1 to FilerB:vol1 snapmirror relationship now.
We're going to snapmirror initialize from FilerB:vol1 to FilerC:vol1 on non-office hours(night time).
So we have to abort the new snapmirror initialize from FilerB:vol1 to FilerC:vol1 on office hours(day night).
Our vol1 data is about 3TB,so we have to snapmirror initialize for many times.
We can transfer about 100GB data when snapmirror initialize per night.
Our expectation:
1st night, start snapmirror initialize , transferred data about 100GB,then abort on next morning.
2nd night, start snapmirror initialize again, transferee data about 100GB, then we can have 200GB.
more nights, we can complete the snapmintialize finally to transfer 3TB data.....is that possible?
How can we complete the snapmirror initialize the 3TB data?
How can we ensure the next snapmirror initialize restart from the current data transferring(for example 100GB)?