our customer needs to upgrade their Ontap version and thus must update to SC 4.0P1 because this is the only supported version - unfortunately, they experienced problems with the MaxDB plugin.
Sometimes the database does not get unquiesced after a backup and the customer needs to do it manually. The problem does not occur with SC 3.3.
NetApp case #2004482006 was opened to resolve this issue. It was researched to be a plugin issue. However, I was told that my customer will receive support through the community site, as this maxdb plugin is not supported through Netapp Technical support center.
I have attached Att4.debug.20130801210846.log which shows that SC cannot unquiesce the database. Manual unquiesce however works without problems and again, SC 3.3 does not have this problem.
Problem occurs with SC 4.0P1 only
SC-Server 4.0p1
OS: Server2008R2
SC-Clients 4.0p1
OS: Server 2008, 2008R2, 2003
MAXDB Version 7.6.05 to 7.9.07 - problem occurs with all MaxDB versions.
I have a scdump from the customer which I can send by mail. As it was diagnosed a communication issue between SC and MaxDB, is it related to https://communities.netapp.com/message/115880#115880?
This is a big problem for the customer, as they have to watch every backup closely so they can react in time an unquiesce the database.