Data Backup and Recovery

snapcreator 3.3 for AIX cannot be executed from a cifs share


None of the AIX executable work on my system. When I try to execute them the following error occurs :

Panic: Can't find bfs section in '/partage-admin/ientfr02/axcenit/scServer3.3.0/snapcreator'

Transcript of session :


# gzip -dc NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.3.0-AIX.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
x scAgent3.3.0
x scAgent3.3.0/bin
x scAgent3.3.0/config
x scAgent3.3.0/logs
x scAgent3.3.0/plugins
x scServer3.3.0
x scServer3.3.0/configs
x scServer3.3.0/configs/default
x scServer3.3.0/gui
x scServer3.3.0/gui/etc
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib
x scServer3.3.0/logs
x scServer3.3.0/plugins
x scAgent3.3.0/NOTICE.PDF, 283899 bytes, 555 tape blocks
x scAgent3.3.0/bin/scAgent, 1561 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x scAgent3.3.0/config/agent.conf, 344 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x scAgent3.3.0/snapcreator, 5601628 bytes, 10941 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/NOTICE.PDF, 283899 bytes, 555 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/configs/default/default.conf, 50092 bytes, 98 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/etc/, 796 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/etc/snapcreatorgui.conf, 238 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar, 41123 bytes, 81 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/commons-dbcp-1.4.jar, 160519 bytes, 314 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/commons-pool-1.5.4.jar, 96221 bytes, 188 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/derby.jar, 2623509 bytes, 5125 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/derbyclient.jar, 525631 bytes, 1027 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/derbynet.jar, 235577 bytes, 461 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/derbytools.jar, 169447 bytes, 331 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/gwt-servlet.jar, 938019 bytes, 1833 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/jetty-6.1.24.jar, 538053 bytes, 1051 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/jetty-util-6.1.24.jar, 177172 bytes, 347 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar, 391834 bytes, 766 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/quartz-1.8.3.jar, 445274 bytes, 870 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/quartz-1.8.3.src.jar, 401201 bytes, 784 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar, 83787 bytes, 164 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/slf4j-api-1.6.0.jar, 25496 bytes, 50 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.0.jar, 9750 bytes, 20 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/snapcreator.jar, 35061 bytes, 69 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/gui/snapcreator.war, 38139247 bytes, 74491 tape blocks
x scServer3.3.0/snapcreator, 5601628 bytes, 10941 tape blocks
# cd scServer3.3.0/
# ll
total 580
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Dec  1 06:46 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Apr 18 2011  ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system       283899 Dec  1 06:46 NOTICE.PDF
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Dec  1 06:46 configs
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Dec  1 06:46 gui
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Dec  1 06:46 logs
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Dec  1 06:46 plugins
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system      5601628 Dec  1 06:46 snapcreator
# ./snapcreator --profile setup
Panic: Can't find bfs section in '/partage-admin/ientfr02/axcenit/scServer3.3.0/snapcreator'

# cd ..
# cd scAgent3.3.0/
# ll
total 580
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Apr 18 2011  .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Apr 18 2011  ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system       283899 Dec  1 06:46 NOTICE.PDF
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Apr 18 2011  bin
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Apr 18 2011  config
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Dec  1 06:46 logs
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Dec  1 06:46 plugins
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system      5601628 Dec  1 06:46 snapcreator
# ./snapcreator --profile setup
Panic: Can't find bfs section in '/partage-admin/ientfr02/axcenit/scAgent3.3.0/snapcreator'
# file *
NOTICE.PDF: data or International Language text
bin: directory
config: directory
logs: directory
plugins: directory
snapcreator: executable (RISC System/6000) or object module

# cd ..
# md5sum NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.3.0-AIX.tar.gz
bash: md5sum: command not found
# cksum NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.3.0-AIX.tar.gz
2247585649 55506049 NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.3.0-AIX.tar.gz
# sum NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.3.0-AIX.tar.gz
47776 54206 NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.3.0-AIX.tar.gz
# cksum sc*/snapcreator
2935949599 5601628 scAgent3.3.0/snapcreator
2935949599 5601628 scServer3.3.0/snapcreator
# sum sc*/snapcreator
19581  5471 scAgent3.3.0/snapcreator
19581  5471 scServer3.3.0/snapcreator

$ md5sum NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.3.0-AIX.tar.gz

a8e7895f56861ddeea1bb5cf0aefa304  NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.3.0-AIX.tar.gz



What version of AIX? Looks like this version is probably not supported since the binary doesn't seem to be compadible.

If this is a supported configuration in the IMT I would recommend opening a support case.


Keith Tenzer


Also what hardware is this?





# oslevel -s
5300-11-04-1015     ->  supported on IMT

I see no restriction on hardware type anywhere.

I add that for NetApp aix binaries to be compatible with every AIX version supported on IMT, they must be compiled on the lowest level of AIX (5.3) ou in 5.3 compatibility mode.

AIX supports ascending binary compatibility, not the contrary. A binary compiled on an old AIX will execute on all higer versions of AIX. A binary compiled on AIX 7.1 won't execute properly on AIX 5.3. This could be the problem here ?

==> case submitted, thanks

Message was edited by:


I am updating this.

I discovered that the error message was issued only when the executable snapcreator is located on a netapp cifs share accessed by AIX.

Will update later if more information is available.


Interesting this may have to do with windows, unix, or mix mode. Check permissions setup on share, it probably needs to be unix or mixed mode.




The access modes is mixed, because the share is used both by windows and AIX.

AIX shell scripts are working normally from the cifs share.

AIX binary executables are working normally from the cifs share (I tried to copy and execute gzip from there for example).


Updating again. snapcreator executable also has problem executing on a windows share access by AIX.


Not sure about this, we dont test accessing through CIFS so it isn't something we would officially support. If this is an issue it isn't something we can do anything about either. The SC code is platform indepedent meaning exact same source code in every binary, so this would be a compiler issue if it is issue on SC side.

This sounds like a CIFS or OS issue however, our binaries are compiled for AIX and will run on AIX for systems in the IMT.

Why do you want to access binary's from AIX through CIFS? What problem are you solving by storing binarys on CIFS share?

You can run an scServer on windows box and an scAgent on AIX, that is a much better solution if you are trying to solve centralization problem.


