ONTAP Discussions

Using Protection Manager for QTree SnapVault


Hi everybody

I have a question about the following scenario

  • Qtrees are location in different volumes with in the same aggregate on primary storage controller
  • On Seconday I just have created a big volumes which should act a SnapVault destination

Question is now how I have to configure this within Protection Manager?

  • Create dataset where the different QTrees are added from the primnary
  • Use the default ProtectionManager Backup policy and select the SnapVault destination volume from the secondary

Is this the correct way to get it done or are there some others things which I should take care of?

Thanks a lot




Hi Thorsten

When you use Protection manager to do the work, it is recommended to let PM do the provisioning of the destination volume(s).

But... You have 2 options...

1. create the snapvault relationship on the CLI and then import it. This will give you the "full control" over the destination volume to be used.

2. Let Protection Manager provision the destination volume(s). Here you should make a copy of the backup policy you want to work with and then relate it to the provisioning policy and the schedule you want to use.

Hope this helps,



There's a third approach to Peter's two.

  Create an empty dataset and apply your backup protection policy.

  Add your large secondary volume to the Backup node.

  Add your primary qtrees to the Primary node.

I think this is pretty much what you suggested. You have to do it in this order (backup volume first) because otherwise, when you add the primary qtrees, we'll immediately try to create a new secondary volume.

You need to ensure the option "dpMaxFanInRatio" is increased from it's default value of 1. This controls how many source volumes we allow to be backed up to a single secondary volume. You change it from the CLI:

  $ dfm option set dpMaxFanInRatio=4 (or whatever value you need, 4 to 8 are good values.)



Thanks for your comments.

I used nr 1 which is working fine now.

Also tried now to add an additional QTree to the Physical Resoures list using ProtectionManager. But I got a message that I have to create a new flx vol with the size of the source vol + 40GB. That's really funny. So to add new source qtrees I do it on the cli with snapvault -s source filer:qtree destination filer:qtree. After some time it's listed in ProtectionManager as external relationship and can then be imported. A little complicated but it works.


Thanks as well. Will try our way, too. Does I got you right that it's a must  to change the "dpMaxFanInRatio" value? Take in mind that I want to have source qtrees from different vols/aggres and maybe filers snapvaulted to a single destiantion volume on our backup filer.




Hi Thirsten

the maxfaninratio is controlling the behavior of Protection Manager. From the message you mentioned I assume it is set to 1 right now. Just take smoots advice and put it to a number you need it.

If you set it to 4, this means that Protection Manager will allow you to add up to 4 qtrees to be snapvaulted into one destination volume.



Peter, you're close but not exactly correct. Setting dpMaxFanInRatio to 4 means data from four source volumes can be backed up to a single secondary volume. The number of qtrees is a separate issue.

There is a second setting, dpMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol, which controls how many qtrees, from however many primary volumes, we'll back up to a single secondary volume (there are corresponding dpMaxQsmRelsPerSecondaryVol and dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol). The default values for these are in the 50-100 range but I don't recall the actual values right now.

If you exceed either of these limits, Protection Manager will attempt to select or provision a new secondary volume.


Hi pete,

     The default value for all the MaxRel options is 50.Also there are other situation when we create a new volume.

For others adding what I know based on my experience.

So even if you have a Fan-In ration of 4 it happens only when the following conditions are satisfied

  • Maxrelspersecondaryvolume is not exceeded.
    • So in you primary volume you have 51 qtrees then PM will create 51 qtree snapvault relation which will exceed the max rels, so two destination volume will be created.
  • PlatformDedupeLimit is not exceeded.
    • Example, you alread have 2 destination volume becaue of the above scenario, now you add another volume to the same dataset primary, then PM will try to increase the size of the second secondary volume while doing that if  it will exceed the max volume limit for dedupe enabled volume for a given platform, again it will create a 3rd secondary volume and not use the existing 2nd volume.
  • Volume Language  is same for the existing destination volume and the new primary volumes
    • If the volume language of the 3rd primary volume is different from the volume language of the other two primary volume, then PM will create a 4th Secondary volume and not use the same volume.

By this you will end up with 4 secondary volume to backup qtree coming from 4 primary volumes inspite of fan-in being 4.

Hope this helps.




Hi All,

I'm having an issue with my OSSV setup with protection manager. I need to setup up 5 OSSV clients into one dataset but create different volumes for each OSSV. Currently its provisoning 1 Volume per dataset and adding qtrees to this volume for each client.

my FAN-IN ratio is set to 1, but I've read this options doesn't apply to OSSV. The other options mentioned above dpMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol,  dpMaxQsmRelsPerSecondaryVol, dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol I can't fine inf DFM.

My DFM version 5.0.

Thanks in advance.



If you want to control one volume per OSSV host. Then you should add one OSSV host at a time to the dataset and set the dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol to nubmer of drives or mount points that you are backing up.

so the example, if you have 5 ossv host with each one having 1 2 3 4 and 5 drives.

  1. add ossv host1 and set the dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol=1 then PM will provision 1 secondary volume for this ossv host.
  2. add ossv host which has 2 drives and set the dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol=2 then PM will provision 1 secondary volume for this ossv host.

And so on.




Hi Adai,

Thanks for the fast reply. where do I set the  dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol option. I've searched for the command in DFM but can't find any reference and also on the NOW site.




Hi Mark,

            You set it in the CLI as follows dfm options set dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol=<value>




Hi adai,

I don't have this dfm option available.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]

Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Administrator>dfm options set dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol=1

Error: dpOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol is not a valid option.

C:\Users\Administrator>dfm options list

Option                                Value

------------------------------------- ------------------------------

agentHostAdminPassword                ********


agentHostCIFSPassword                 ********

agentHostGuestPassword                ********

agentHostLogin                        guest

agentHostPort                         4092

agentHostTransport                    http

agentMonInterval                      2 minutes

aggrFullThreshold                     90

aggrFullThresholdInterval             0 seconds

aggrNearlyFullThreshold               80

aggrNearlyOvercommittedThreshold      95

aggrNearlyOverDeduplicatedThreshold   140

aggrOvercommittedThreshold            100

aggrOverDeduplicatedThreshold         150

aggrSnapshotFullThreshold             90

aggrSnapshotNearlyFullThreshold       80


auditLogEnabled                       Enabled

auditLogForever                       No

authUsePam                            no

autoClientStatEnabled                 No


autosupportContent                    complete

autosupportDestinationEmail           autosupport@netapp.com

autosupportDestinationURL             support.netapp.com/asupprod/post/1.0/postA


autosupportEnabled                    Yes

autosupportIncludeAllDiagInfo         No

autosupportIncludePerf                Yes

autosupportIncludeProv                Yes

autosupportIncludeVirtual             Yes

autosupportMonInterval                2 minutes

autosupportProtocol                   https

autosupportRetryCount                 4

autosupportRetryDelay                 15 minutes

backupDirMonInterval                  8 hours

backupRetentionCount                  0

ccMonInterval                         4 hours

cfMonInterval                         5 minutes

chargebackDayOfMonth                  1

chargebackIncrement                   Daily


clientStatCifsLatency                 30

clientStatCpuThreshold                80

clientStatMinTotalOpsRate             500

clientStatNfsLatency                  30

clientStatThresholdPeriod             300

clientStatTotalOpsRate                30

clusterMonInterval                    15 minutes

cpuBusyThresholdInterval              15 minutes

cpuMonInterval                        5 minutes

cpuTooBusyThreshold                   95

credCacheTTL                          20 minutes

currencyFormat                        $ #,###.##


databaseBackupDbengWaitTime           600

databaseBackupDir                     C:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager


dataExportDir                         C:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager


defReportLinesPerPage                 20

dfmDataExportEnabled                  No

dfMonInterval                         30 minutes

discoverAgents                        Enabled

discoverClusters                      Enabled

discoverEnabled                       Enabled

discoverHostInitEnabled               Enabled

discoverHosts                         Enabled

discoverInterval                      15 minutes

discoverNetworks                      Disabled

discoverTimeout                       5 seconds

discoverVfilers                       Enabled

diskMonInterval                       4 hours

dpDynamicSecondarySizing              Enabled

dpMaxFanInRatio                       1

dpPriVolNameFormat                    %L

dpPriVolNameOption                    global-format



dpReaperCleanupMode                   Orphans

dpReaperInterval                      30 minutes

dpReBaselineMode                      Confirm

dpRestoreTransfersPerHost             8

dpSecQtreeNameFormat                  %Q

dpSecVolNameFormat                    %V

dpSecVolNameOption                    global-format



dpSnapNameFormat                      %T_%R_%L_%H_%N_%A

dpSnapNameOption                      global-format



dsConformanceMonInterval              1 hour

dsDRMonInterval                       15 minutes

dsProtectionMonInterval               15 minutes


dsUsageMetricIoInterval               1 day

dsUsageMetricMonInterval              2 hours

dsUsageMetricSpaceInterval            1 day

enableFQDNInFilerViewLinks            Enabled

envMonInterval                        5 minutes

eventsPurgeInterval                   25.71 weeks

favoriteMaxReports                    25

filerConfigSaveLocalChanges           yes

fsMonInterval                         15 minutes

groupTreeShowStatus                   Enabled

growthRateSensitivity                 2

guiRefreshInterval                    00:05:00

hbaportTooBusyThreshold               90

hostAdminPort                         80

hostAdminTransport                    http

hostClockNearlySkewedThreshold        30 seconds

hostClockSkewedThreshold              1 minute

hostEnclosureDiscoveryEvents          Disabled

hostLoginProtocol                     rsh

hostPingMethod                        echo_snmp

hostRBACMonInterval                   1 day

hsNotificationsMaxCount               100000

hsNotificationsPurgingInterval        86400

httpEnabled                           Yes

httpPort                              8080

httpsEnabled                          No

httpsPort                             8443

ifMonInterval                         15 minutes

isHsAliveMonInterval                  1 minute




ldapBindPass                          ********

ldapEnabled                           No


ldapMember                            uniqueMember

ldapUGID                              CN

ldapUID                               UID

ldapVersion                           3

licenseExpireWarningThreshold         5

licenseMonInterval                    4 hours


lunMonInterval                        30 minutes

maxReportLinesPerPage                 1000

monMinFreeBytes                       10000.0

monMinFreePercent                     10.0

monSNMPRetries                        4

monSNMPTimeout                        5

ndmpDataUseAllInterfaces              0

ndmpMonInterval                       30 minutes

networkDiscoveryLimit                 15

nodesRemainingWarningThreshold        1

opsMonInterval                        10 minutes

ownerEmailFieldName                   ownerEmail

perfAdvisorEnabled                    Enabled

perfAdvisorMaxMonitorThreads          32

perfAdvisorPollInterval               5 minutes

perfAdvisorShowAllViews               Disabled

perfAdvisorShowDiagCounters           Disabled

perfAdvisorTransport                  httpOnly

perfAdvThreshViolationMonInterval     15 minutes

perfArchiveDir                        C:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager


perfDataExportEnabled                 No

perfExportDir                         C:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager


perfMaxObjectInstancesInBarChart      20

perfSampleRate1                       1 minute

perfSampleRate2                       5 minutes

perfSampleRate3                       15 minutes

perfSampleRate4                       30 minutes

pingMonInterval                       1 minute

pingMonRetryDelay                     3

pingMonTimeout                        3

pluginsDir                            C:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager


pmQSMBackupPreferred                  No

pmUseSDUCompatibleSnapshotNames       No

preferredIPAddressType                IPv4

processHostPrimaryAddress             warn

processOSSVPrimaryAddress             warn

profileTTL                            6.43 weeks

protMgrNodesRemainingWarningThreshold 1

provMgrNodesRemainingWarningThreshold 1

qtreeFullThreshold                    90

qtreeFullThresholdInterval            0 seconds

qtreeGrowthEventMinChangePct          1

qtreeMonInterval                      8 hours

qtreeNearlyFullThreshold              80

recentMaxReports                      25

reportDesignPath                      C:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager


reportsArchiveDir                     C:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager


respoolFullThreshold                  90

respoolNearlyFullThreshold            80

respoolSpaceMonInterval               1 hour


SANHostMonInterval                    5 minutes

SANHostMonSnapshotLUNs                Enabled

scriptDir                             C:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager



serverAPILogExclude                   host-service-discover|dfm-about

serverCertAuthEnabled                 Enabled

serverHTTPEnabled                     Enabled

serverHTTPPort                        8088

serverHTTPSEnabled                    Enabled

serverHTTPSPort                       8488

shareMonInterval                      1 hour


SMTPServerName                        mail

SMTPServerPort                        25

snapmirrorLagErrorThreshold           2 days,  0:00

snapmirrorLagWarningThreshold         1 day, 12:00

snapmirrorMonInterval                 30 minutes

snapshotDiscoveryEventsEnabled        No

snapshotMonInterval                   30 minutes

snapvaultMonInterval                  30 minutes

snmpTrapListenerEnabled               Yes

snmpTrapListenerPort                  162

snmpTrapRcvdMaxPerWindow              250

snmpTrapRcvdWindowSize                5 minutes

statusMonInterval                     10 minutes

sysInfoMonInterval                    1 hour

useHostsEquiv                         No


userEnableAlerts                      yes

userFullThreshold                     90

userNearlyFullThreshold               80

userQuotaMonInterval                  1 day

vFilerMonInterval                     1 hour

vFilerRootVolumeSizeMb                50

volFullThreshold                      90

volFullThresholdInterval              0 seconds

volGrowthEventMinChangePct            1

volNearlyFullThreshold                80

volNearlyNoFirstSnapThreshold         80

volNearlyOvercommittedThreshold       95

volNearlyOverDeduplicatedThreshold    140

volNoFirstSnapThreshold               90

volOvercommittedThreshold             100

volOverDeduplicatedThreshold          150

volReserveDepletedThreshold           90

volReserveNearlyDepletedThreshold     80

volSnapshotCountThreshold             250

volSnapshotFullThreshold              90

volSnapshotTooOldThreshold            52 weeks

vserverMonInterval                    1 hour

webUIMaxHeapSizeMB                    1024

webUIMaxPermGenSizeMB                 512

webUIMinHeapSizeMB                    256

webUIMinPermGenSizeMB                 128

webUIPort                             8123


HI Adai,

I spoke with NetApp, the proper comand syntax is:



