Data Protection
Data Protection
We have some strange errors while snapcreator is monitoring the snpavault update via dfm:
<error-message>snapcreator_asapt401: Could not get platform limits for volume host_id 9953 with phys host_id 9953 while fetching information for volume nabackup02:/sv_asapt401_oradb (10984) from database.</error-message>
<error-message>snapcreator_asapt401: Could not get platform limits while fetching current information for volume nabackup02:/sv_asapt401_oradb (10984).</error-message>
<error-message>snapcreator_asapt401: Could not get live vol usage from filer for nabackup02:/sv_asapt401_oradb. Resize not possible.</error-message>
The job was working without errors when snapvaulting to a FAS2040 (ONTAP 8.0.3Px). Now we get these errors when snapvaulting to a FAS2220 (ONTAP 8.1.1)
Question: is it a problem with snapcreator, dfm, dfm plugin, hw platform?
Best regards,
Solved! See The Solution
Its a DFM issue. I suspect the reason you're getting this error is that your DFM server does not have resouce limits defined for that particular combination of storage system and ONTAP (FAS2220 + ONTAP 8.1.1). This tells me you're running a version older than OnCommand 5.1. You just need to manually define the resource limits for this and this error will go away.
Here is a link to a discussion on how to define a resource limit for a given controller and ONTAP version
Here is an exmaple. NOTE: Check to see what the actual maximum volume deduplication size is for a FAS2220 in ONTAP 8.1.1 before running this command. These are just examples of how to define a resource limit.
# dfpm reslimit create 8.1.1 FAS2220
Created new resource limit (309).
# dfpm reslimit set 309 maxFlexVols=500
# dfpm reslimit set 309 maxDedupeSizeInGB=16384
Run your SnapCreator job again and these messages should go away.
Its a DFM issue. I suspect the reason you're getting this error is that your DFM server does not have resouce limits defined for that particular combination of storage system and ONTAP (FAS2220 + ONTAP 8.1.1). This tells me you're running a version older than OnCommand 5.1. You just need to manually define the resource limits for this and this error will go away.
Here is a link to a discussion on how to define a resource limit for a given controller and ONTAP version
Here is an exmaple. NOTE: Check to see what the actual maximum volume deduplication size is for a FAS2220 in ONTAP 8.1.1 before running this command. These are just examples of how to define a resource limit.
# dfpm reslimit create 8.1.1 FAS2220
Created new resource limit (309).
# dfpm reslimit set 309 maxFlexVols=500
# dfpm reslimit set 309 maxDedupeSizeInGB=16384
Run your SnapCreator job again and these messages should go away.
If your FAS2220 is an HA pair, use the "-c" flag when you create the reslimit. For example:
# dfpm reslimit create -c 8.1.1 FAS2220
Hello Reid,
Thanks a lot for your answer. It works now :-). I'm suprised that it is not defines in the latest DFM 5.1.
Best regards,
If you can, edit this post and change the title to "DFM error: could not get platform limits". This will help others working with SnapCreator to find this post and resolve their issue.