Data Protection
Data Protection
We have a MongoDB database that has been backing up successfully without issues but started failing after TLS was enabled on the MongoDB database. Does anybody know what the workaround for the this is? Version is 4.5
What version of TLS is being used and was this also enabled on the SC server, as well as the plug-in host?
Additional information:
The TLS version in use is TLS 1.2. The plugin host, and Snapcenter servers have tls 1.2 enabled as well.
Thanks Aladd,
I reviewed the KB you shared. It seems to be a little different from what we are experiencing at the moment. The TLS versions on our ends are the same.
Question is how do we determine if the TLS issue is happening at the "SnapCenter Custom Plug-in Framework" layer or at the Custom Plug-in's code written on top of it. How can that be determined?
Are you able to upload a log bundle from both the SC server and the plug-in server? We can find out where in the process it is having an issue. The SC server side will tell us if there is an issue with most operations, however if there is a problem at the plug-in side the SC server logs will only be able to provide so much detail of the problem.
Hi Aladd,
If this is attached to the original technical case created, are you going to be able to access it?
Yes, I can access the original case and take a look.