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Hi All,
We installed and configured snapcreator for domino successfully, but after two days the backup falied due to following error:
Database Opened:D:\Lotus\Domino\Data\webadmin.ntf
Attempt to backup a database that is currently being backed up.
Error starting Backup.
[Fri Dec 23 16:57:26 2011] INFO: No Errors encountered while opening DBs.
[Fri Dec 23 16:57:26 2011] ERROR: [ltd-00002] Quiescing databases finished with errors
[Fri Dec 23 16:57:26 2011] ERROR: [scf-00053] Application quiesce for plugin domino failed with exit code 1, Exiting!
I searched error code 3748 but didn't find anything. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?
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The key to this error message is: "Attempt to backup a database that is currently being backed up."
This is generated by the Domino API - something has already put this database into backup mode, so Snap Creator is not able to put it into backup mode again.
My guess is there there is another backup program (TSM, NetBackup, etc)running -or- Snap Creator was run multiple times within a short time period.
Have you had a successful backup with Snap Creator, or has this never worked for you?
Your message said this happened after 2 days, so I hope that means that there were 2 successful backups and then this message appeared (not Snap Creator ran for 2 days).
Hope this helps!
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Hi John,
Any suggestion for troubleshoot this problem?
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Thank John,
Here is the additional information:
We ran scheduled backup successfully for few days, and the retention period is 4 (keep 4 snapshot copy)
the user backup the snapshot copy to other storage by mounting the snapshot use snapdrive on backup server (BackupExec)
Now the user still can't take snapshot, Would anybody know how to solve this problem?
Thanks and Regards,
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Sorry for the delay in response. I am actually on vacation this week, so I check my email infrequently.
I have a couple questions to help narrow things down:
1) What version of SnapCreator are you using? SC 3.4, 3.4P1, etc?
2) Is there any other backup software present on the server? TSM, NetBackup, etc?
3) Since receiving this error has a snapshot been attempted again? What was the result? (same error, successful, etc)
4) Did this error occur as part of a scheduled job or as part of a manual snapshot?
5) If this was part of a manual snapshot were multiple snapshots taken in a short time period?
6) Since receiving this error message has Domino or the server been restarted? (just wondering)
7) Does this message occur on just the one database or does it occur on every database?
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Hi John
See Below comment
1) sc3.4p2
2) no other backup software
3) same error
4) schedule job
5) no, schedule job per 6 hr
6) User didn't mention about that
7) I think just one database I uploaded before
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Something has that one database locked in backup mode - I doubt that it is Snap Creator because it would cause everything to be locked, not just one database.
You could try running the unquiesce action, but I cannot recall for sure if this options works in SC 3.4 P2 - I know it works with the upcoming 3.5.
If it works with 3.4P2 the unquiesce option will force all databases to end backup mode. Restarting either Domino or the OS should do the same thing.
If it is just the one database and it is repeatable and you are using 3.4 P2 then the simplest solution might be to edit the config file.
In the APP section of the config file there is a parameter called APP_IGNORE_ERROR
Set this to Y (default is N). Please note that this needs to be changed directly in the .conf file - this is not currently a parameter that can be changed through the GUI.
APP_IGNORE_ERROR=Y will tell the Domino plug-in to ignore any databases that have errors - this is typically used to deal with database corruption issues, but it should resolve this as well. The one database will not be placed into backup mode, but the others will and the snapshot should continue.
At the least this will let you know for sure if it is the one database or multiple. The log file will list all the databases that are having issues.
Please let me know the result.
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Thank John
my location is HKT 0140 am, and I will go there to try to follow your guide to solve the problem at 1000am.
Will let you know the result
Many Thanks
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Hi John,
We use APP_IGNORE_ERROR=Y to ignore the error, the snapshot created successfully. Thanks
But below error message occur on nsf or ntf file randomly and only one nsf or ntf to be locked
"Attempt to backup a database that is currently being backed up.
Error starting Backup"
Also we found that the following DB is encrypted.
This database has local access protection (encrypted) and you are not authorized to access it
Error opening DB:D:\Lotus\Domino\Data\iNotes6((xxxxx)V5.ntf
[Thu Dec 29 11:06:29 2011] ERROR: [ltd-00010] Errors encountered while opening DBs:
[Thu Dec 29 11:06:29 2011] ERROR: Error opening DB:D:\Lotus\Domino\Data\iNotes6(xxxxx)V5.ntf
[Thu Dec 29 11:06:29 2011] INFO: Quiescing databases finished successfully
We don't know it is related to the error or not. and we still need to find the solution.
Thank you for your help
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This is expected behavior when encountering a locally protected database - the APIs are not authorized to access the database, thus generating the error message. This is a function of the IBM provided Domino APIs.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean in regards to the "Attempt to backup a database that is currently being backed up" error message.
Are you saying that the database with this error message randomly changes with each snapshot?
I am just looking to clarify.
Due to being on vacation I don't have access to a sample .conf file, so the parameter names below may not be exact...
In the agent section of the .conf file is a parameter named "AGENT_WATCHDOG_ENABLE" or similar name.
What is this set to? With SC 3.4 P2 I would recommend setting this to N.
I would also make sure that the AGENT_TIMEOUT is set fairly high - default is 300 seconds, but we usually recommend 900 seconds.
Generally I would say things are working properly from SnapCreator's perspective.
Hopefully the suggestions above will help as well.
There will be a technical report on Snap Creator and the Domino plug-in published in mid-January.
It is going through the publishing process now and the hope is to have it released around the same time as Snap Creator 3.5.
I expect to post about it here on the communities site once it is available.
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Thanks John
The User use snapcreator server only.
Is it still need to modify .conf file "AGENT_WATCHDOG_ENABLE" and "AGENT_TIMEOUT"?
For this error message
"Attempt to backup a database that is currently being backed up"
For example:
Sometimes is the following database
Database Opened:D:\Lotus\Domino\Data\webadmin.ntf
Attempt to backup a database that is currently being backed up.
Error starting Backup.
Sometimes is other database
Database Opened:D:\Lotus\Domino\Data\mail\tonyng.nsf
Attempt to backup a database that is currently being backed up.
Error starting Backup.
Error starting Backup:D:\Lotus\Domino\Data\mail\tonyng.nsf.
Is those error will be fixed on SC3.5?
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If you are using Server mode only then you do not need to worry about the Agent settings.
The errors that you are seeing are not an issue with Snap Creator - it is a result of something in the Domino environment.
There is some other application placing locks on these files - I do not know enough about your Domino environment to provide further suggestions.
These messages are not caused by Snap Creator, so this is not something that we can fix.
Some other program is calling the same APIs that Snap Creator is - you need to identify the other program and move forward from there.
Hope this helps.
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It sounds like you may have a busy snapshot preventing your program from renaming the snapshot so a new one can be created. Try the following:
In a putty session, use the following:
"snap list volname" to identify busy snapshots.
I hope this helps.
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Hi All,
Is there any way to backup the encrypted database by SC?
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Since the database is encrypted the Domino APIs cannot be used to put this database into a consistent state.
This is unfortunately just the way the APIs work. You can still capture the database as part of the snapshot.
Just be sure to set APP_IGNORE_ERROR=Y - please note that this parameter must be set using a text editor. It is not available in the GUI.
Also check out the newly published TR-4009:NetApp Snap Creator Framework with IBM Lotus Domino plug-in Deployment and Configuration Guide
Feel free to let me know if you have additional questions.
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Here is an IBM technote on this subject: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=0&uid=swg21088323
Essentially the database is encrypted, meaning that it cannot be accessed by the APIs.
Hope this helps.