Data Protection
Data Protection
Hello Friends,
Sorry I am asking lot of snap creator questions these days. I am very new to snap creator and without your suggestions it is going to be difficult for me
I have a task to configure SQL backups using SnapCreator. In the SC config file , I see couple of options.
SMSQL_PS_CONF="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\smsqlShell.psc1" ----Where do I get this powersheel script from? Do I need to install snap manager for SQL on the windows host housing SQL database and this script will get placed on the path automatically?
SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-svr 'SQL' -d 'SQL\SHAREPOINT', '1', 'WSS_Content' -RetainBackups 7 -lb -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog -gen -mgmt standard-----Does this option get automaticaly polulated?
SMSQL_SERVER_NAME=servername-- I guess it is the SQL server name?
Does this above configuration mean that Snap Creator will take a consistent snapshot of the SQL database? For the integration with snapvault, I have protection manager in my environment where I will choose the policy and can associate with the dataset. .for the snapvault rentention , is it ok if I specify the retention in the snapvault config file?
If I wish you have weekly backups and retain 3 weekly snapshots and 15 remote snapshots
Many thanks for your help and suggestions
Solved! See The Solution
Where do I get this powersheel script from? Do I need to install snap manager for SQL on the windows host housing SQL database and this script will get placed on the path automatically?
This comes with SnapManager SQL so you just need to check if Path is correct
SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-svr 'SQL' -d 'SQL\SHAREPOINT', '1', 'WSS_Content' -RetainBackups 7 -lb -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog -gen -mgmt standard-----Does this option get automaticaly polulated?
Not is doesnt if you want to change from default you must update it
SMSQL_SERVER_NAME=servername-- I guess it is the SQL server name?
Yes servname used in powershell cmdlet
Also NOTE some folks have reported some issues in SC 3.6 with the SMSQL plugin, like it sending the call and not doing anything. If you run into problems like this then you have two options.
1) go with SC 3.5 which has issue where the powershell call hangs if you have an agent running as service (I know lots of bugs)
2) Just forget the plugin and send a powershell CLI call to agent as a APP_QUIESCE_CMD01 and comment out APP_NAME so no plugin is used.
There is a thread here on that issue with other workarounds customers have used but you may not run into issue, these bugs are not a 100% thing, depends on environment.
Where do I get this powersheel script from? Do I need to install snap manager for SQL on the windows host housing SQL database and this script will get placed on the path automatically?
This comes with SnapManager SQL so you just need to check if Path is correct
SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-svr 'SQL' -d 'SQL\SHAREPOINT', '1', 'WSS_Content' -RetainBackups 7 -lb -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog -gen -mgmt standard-----Does this option get automaticaly polulated?
Not is doesnt if you want to change from default you must update it
SMSQL_SERVER_NAME=servername-- I guess it is the SQL server name?
Yes servname used in powershell cmdlet
Also NOTE some folks have reported some issues in SC 3.6 with the SMSQL plugin, like it sending the call and not doing anything. If you run into problems like this then you have two options.
1) go with SC 3.5 which has issue where the powershell call hangs if you have an agent running as service (I know lots of bugs)
2) Just forget the plugin and send a powershell CLI call to agent as a APP_QUIESCE_CMD01 and comment out APP_NAME so no plugin is used.
There is a thread here on that issue with other workarounds customers have used but you may not run into issue, these bugs are not a 100% thing, depends on environment.
Keith, Thanks a lot this makes it quite clear. I just have one query now.
1. I have to install snap manager to have the powersheel cmdlet in the path mentioned. I have SC 3.5.0
2. Can you please help me understand the options from the syntax
SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-svr 'SQL' -d 'SQL\SHAREPOINT', '1', 'WSS_Content' -RetainBackups 7 -lb -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog -gen -mgmt standard
SQL= I believe this is the SQL server name?
'SQL\SHAREPOINT',= SQL server name?
'1', 'WSS_Content' =?
Best Regards
In addition to this ,the sytax from the previous query "RetainBackups 7 " . would it override the local retention from the option below.
NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS=daily:3----- this option is for local rentention I understand.
NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTIONS=daily:15 ---- This option I wish to put for snapvaulting the data and to retain the snapshots remotely for 15 days.
Thanks in advance.
The retentions are completely ignored all SC is doing is running SnapManager, that is it so SM is responsible for retentions, etc.
Just put anything for retentions it doesnt matter. If you are snapvaulting and SC is doing snapvault then that retention would be used but on primary we would never delete snapshots from SM. Bad things happen if you delete snapshots from SM.
Thanks Keith. One last query.. what does this option mean
SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-svr 'SQL' -d 'SQL\SHAREPOINT', '1', 'WSS_Content' -RetainBackups 7 -lb -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog -gen -mgmt standard
'1', 'WSS_Content' =?
or can I leave the options default after specifying the server name?