Data Protection
Data Protection
Is there a way to add newly created content DB's to an existing SMSP backup job without having to create a new job all together?
Solved! See The Solution
Hi Will,
You should go to “Backup Builder” check under plan viewer, there should be your saved plan and open it (I think dubble click) then do a farm resync and your db should be there.
Hi Will,
You should be able to edit the job and do a farm resync so the new db shows up. After this you can save the job again.
Thats the thing, how do i "edit" the job? When i go into "Backup Builder" and then select the job (daily backup) under the plan viewer, it does not show the new databases as something I can select. If I go to create a backup job from scratch, it will show me the new databases as a selection.
This is what it looks like when i go through the motions of creating a new backup job from scratch. The items i'm pointing out are the new databases.
In the existing DAILY backup job, when i browse down, I do not see the 3 databases as options.
Do I need to do a "farm resync" to get the new databases to show up while I'm looking at the existing backup job?
Hope this makes sense..
Hi Will,
Not sure if this will reach you, but attached are some procedures which also show how to setup a backup job. These are as-is without any rights to support.
Thanks .. by clicking the "Sync Farm Data" button it was then able to show me the newly added DBs. Selecting them and saving the job did the trick.
much appreciated!!