Data Protection

SMSQL always states Job completed successful although nothing was done


Hi Everybody

While deploying SnapManager SQL on one Test Machine I noticed something odd.

Regardless of what incorrect Parametes I set in SnapCreator for the SMSQL Plugin, the Job always is stated as Completed.

I'll attach some examples, one that works (CH_TR_SQL_NTRLA172) and two with totally silly Parameters for Powershell Path and Parameters.

All three are stated as ok in SnapCreator but only the first actually does anything.

Is this really how the Tool is supposed to react? Every other Major Vendor would treat that as a major Bug.

Or did I miss to set up some additional checking in my Configuration?

Thanks for your Help




Yes this is a bug

SC 3.6 did not properly get the results back from powershell. Since we spawn a shell which then executes powershell you have to get the results of both.

This is fixed in SC 4.0 which will be available in March 2013.

SC allows you to pretty much do anything, you can run commands on agents, runs scripts, create plugins, of which you can use any language. While I do agree we should not miss such bugs in QA cycles, few other products provide the extensibility and flexibility that SC does. Not making excuses just saying we havent made life particularily easy for QA ;D This is where you can help if you so choose to

SC has a developer community where we release community versions of the product. This comes out around 3 months before the release of the supported NetApp version to NOW. Anyone can test anything they want and if bugs are found we do our best to address them prior to release of the supported product.

SC 4.0 which releases in March has community version already available:




Hi Keith

Company Policies prevent us from using Releases that are not supported directly by the Vendor, so we are stuck to wait till 4.0 is considered stable.

But it is good to know that the Bug was found and will be fixed soon, thanks for clarifying that.

SnapCreator is flexible indeed, but for my taste to unstable and not enough straight forward so far.

I know you are working hard on improving it (Sebastian Hegmanns told me some stories), looking forward to 4.0

Off the actual topic:

Executing Powershell-Commands with the Agent in 3.6 is a bitch.

We have a Symantec EnterpriseVault Environment which we would like to pause with some sequencial Powershell-Commands.

Unfortunately it always gets stuck with the frst command (regardless which it is). Powershell executes the Command but does not return and close, keeping the other Commands from being executed.

Hope this is also a similar bug and is fixed with 4.0 too.

Freundliche Grüsse / Kind Regards

Stefan Vollrath

T-Systems Schweiz AG

Storage & Backup Operations

Stefan Vollrath

Storage Engineer

Murgenthalstrasse 12, CH-4901 Langenthal

+41 (0) 78 645 1076 (phone)

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Von: Keith Tenzer

Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013 11:58

An: Vollrath, Stefan

Betreff: - Re: SMSQL always states Job completed successful although nothing was done

NetApp Online Community <>


Re: SMSQL always states Job completed successful although nothing was done

created by Keith Tenzer <> in Snap Creator - View the full discussion <> <>

Yes this is a bug

SC 3.6 did not properly get the results back from powershell. Since we spawn a shell which then executes powershell you have to get the results of both.

This is fixed in SC 4.0 which will be available in March 2013.

SC allows you to pretty much do anything, you can run commands on agents, runs scripts, create plugins, of which you can use any language. While I do agree we should not miss such bugs in QA cycles, few other products provide the extensibility and flexibility that SC does. Not making excuses just saying we havent made life particularily easy for QA ;D This is where you can help if you so choose to

SC has a developer community where we release community versions of the product. This comes out around 3 months before the release of the supported NetApp version to NOW. Anyone can test anything they want and if bugs are found we do our best to address them prior to release of the supported product.

SC 4.0 which releases in March has community version already available:



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