Data Protection
Data Protection
Ok, I asked the question in some previous post, however it`s been closed by now and I got no answer
IN SHORT: how to configure db migration in the 4th step of a configuration wizard.
First of all: should all the system databases be migrated to lun? As I read tempdb is recreated everytime the server starts... So, should I move just master, model and msdb (besides the production databases) to the new lun?
I read quite a few documents but they yust confiused me .. First of all I now very little about MSSQL and I have to migrate the production environment to NetApp with SMSQL.
OK, as I read there should be 3 luns. But let me be mores specific: lets`s say I move move model on 2 luns (db and logs separately); msdb and tempdb the same story; when I try to move master the wizard window says: "you cannot migrate all the files to the specified lun, as it`s already shared by multiple databases.... you must use both of the shared luns" - which implies I should move db and logs separately, I presume. But when I do that another window says: "select all of the database files in the master database for migration to a lun", which is no go.
And even worse when I select the default Northwind, the wizards issues a warning:"Do not migrate to a lun which contains system database..."
Regarding to that I should have separate pair of luns for system and separate pair of luns for production databases + snapinfo lun; which makes 5 luns. I haven`t found the answer to that anywhere and I`ve been searching for 3 days already. Should I just transfer the production db an leave the system db alone - as I saw on one demo video?
thank you all;
We have ours configured as
1 x LUN data files
1 x LUN TLs
1 x LUN snapinfo
1 x system, temp
local ~ SQL bins
Hope it helps
Thank you, Bren, it helps..
In the Admin Guide for SMSQL, they talk about 3 LUN concept. Now that you mentioned putting system and temp on the fourth, it makes more sense!
Oh, to clarify a bit more: under system db you mean model, msdb, master, tempdb? So these should be on one separate lun (db and logs together)...?
You asked this question, off-topic, on the following thread: This thread is NOT closed and you DID get an answer there, so it's unfair to state that you didn't.
Bjorn, hi.. I am sorry it was my first time I asked something on the Forum and I didn`t realize I couldn`t award anyone for the answer, because it wasn`t my thread. Your answer was helpful but not exactly what I wanted and I relaized no one will look at my question at the end of someone else˙s thread.. Anyway, can you please copy paste your answer here, so I can award your answer? I appologize once again for the inconvenience..
Okay, here my previous replies:
"I think this is a little off topic, but to answer your questions:
How you distribute your databases and logs onto LUNs is really up to you, as long as they are ALL on LUNs. Ofcourse it all depends on business requirements, licenses, level of complexity, etc. There is great and elleborate documentation about this subject on NOW, along with a lot of (sometimes conflicting) Best Practices. I don't have the numbers at hand, but I suggest you try the search module on NOW. These documents should give you a really good idea on how to set things up properly.
At the very minimum, you should have:
- LUN 1 for all the systemdb's and system transactionlogs
- LUN 2 for all your user db's and transaction logs
- LUN 3 for SnapInfo data.
Tempdb is recreated at each reboot, that's true, but if you don't change the location of the tempdb, it will be created on a local drive every time."
"First of all: dumb the Northwind database ASAP! 🙂 It's a demo database that serves no purpose other then that and forms a huge security issue to your SQL server(s).
having said that, as Northwind is a demo database, it's by definition a user database and cannot be placed on the same LUN as system dabatases. That's what the wizard was telling you.
Not sure about the other messages you get, but I do know SMSQL definitely doesn't need your db-files and translog-files to be on separate LUNs. Are you sure you selected all the files, associated with master? Don't forget about full text indexes and such."