Data Protection

Snap Creator 4.1 Videos - Domino Restore Scenarios


*Note:  Per a request from the Communities Moderator I have removed the embedded videos and provided links instead.  Sorry for any inconvenience*

The Snap Creator plugin for IBM Domino has fairly advanced restore functions for Domino.

I'm adding this entry to build on the information in the Creating a Complex Configuration (Domino as an example) post

The videos are based after the information in TR-4009: NetApp Snap Creator Framework with IBM Domino Plug-In Deployment and Configuration Guide:

There are three high level restore scenarios for the Domino plugin:

  • Domino Volume Restore
  • Domino Single File Restore (NFS)
  • Domino Single File Restore (SAN)

Each type of restore is also capable of performing the following recovery options on Domino:

  • Point in time Restore (up to the point in time of the Snapshot copy)
  • Up to the Minute Restore* (Restore to the point in time of the Snapshot copy and play transaction logs forward to the most recent entry)
  • Selectable Up to the Minute Restore* (Restore to the point in time of the Snapshot copy and play transaction logs forward to a specific point in time [example - April 10 at 10:00:00])

     *Domino transaction logs must be enabled to perform this type of recovery.

You can also optionally disable replication when performing a restore, assigning a new DBIID to the restore Domino database(s).

Note:  When referring to single file restore, this means that Snap Creator can restore a single file on the file system.

With Domino a single file can be a database (a user's mailbox for example), template, or system mailbox (.box file).

The videos are available on SnapCreatorTV.

Domino Volume Restore [~4 minutes]:

Domino volume restore does require you to stop the Domino server.  You do not want to attempt a restore against a running database.

Domino Single File Restore in NFS Environments [~5 minutes]:

Single File Restore in NFS environments can be performed entirely through the Snap Creator GUI or CLI.

Since NFS is file based we are able to select a database directly from the file system and easily restore it.

Domino Single File Restore in SAN environments [~8 minutes]:

Since Snap Creator uses the single file snap restore API, if you attempt to perform a single file restore through the GUI or CLI in a SAN environment all you can see is the underlying LUN.

For Domino Restore in SAN environments you must mount a Snapshot copy, copy the data into a restore path, then run Snap Creator via the CLI.

For other videos about Snap Creator, check out SnapCreatorTV.



I will never forget how you helped me rolling out a fresh install, backup and restore all under 45 minutes at a customer site.

This is so cool!
