Data Protection
Data Protection
Config file attached
TEST.conf #
Previous debug attached
TEST.debug.20130910180015.log #
Current debug attached
The Exception is "Cannot allocate socket."
Help greatly appreciated.
Solved! See The Solution
I believe I have finally resolved this issue. It all had to do with the JAVA version. I rebooted my server last night ant the service would not start. I found this in the Admin Guide. See Below. I installed the 64 bit version of JAVA. My OS is 64 bit and I have IE10. Now the service starts and I check my SendMail and it works.
Troubleshooting the Snap Creator start issue
The Snap Creator Server or the Windows service might not start.
You face this issue if Java is not installed or the wrong bit level or version of Java is installed. You
must install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 or later. You must ensure that the bit levels (32-bit
or 64-bit) of Java and Snap Creator are the same.
Error messages
Have you tried running the cmd below by hand?
c:\SendMail\Sendmail -smtp -noauth 1 -noconfirm -sender -to -sub "INFO: Snapshot of TEST Database on ANTXAVE1 finished successfully ( Action: backup )" -body "Snapshot of DB2 TEST Database completed successfully on ANTXAVE1."
and see the result?
Yes it is successful.
We changed how we execute commands on windows in 4.0. If you have multiple quotes or sets of things that need to be quoted you need to use cmd /c to run command. Can you please try the following:
SUCCESS_TRAP=cmd /c "c:\SendMail\Sendmail -smtp -noauth 1 -noconfirm -sender -to -sub "INFO: Snapshot of TEST Database on ANTXAVE1 finished successfully ( Action: %ACTION )" -body "Snapshot of DB2 TEST Database completed successfully on ANTXAVE1.""
This should work
I tried the following and am still getting the same error.
you may also try the powershell commandlet if you are interested.
This is discussed in this communities webpage.
I tried the powershell and no luck with that either. Keep getting gui error log says invalid XML character.
Have you tried putting the sendmail command into a script and calling the script in the SUCCESS_TRAP command?
Not yet.
Additionally you can try
SUCCESS_TRAP=cmd /c c:\SendMail\Sendmail -smtp -noauth 1 -noconfirm -sender -to -sub "INFO: Snapshot of TEST Database on ANTXAVE1 finished successfully ( Action: %ACTION )" -body "Snapshot of DB2 TEST Database completed successfully on ANTXAVE1."
However I dont think that is the problem, Snap Creator is calling the main client so it seems like there is some other issue going on outside of SC. It cant connect as we get a socket error...maybe there is a firewall issue?
Cannot allocate socket.
> Message saved to the Failed Folder as:
"INFO_ Snapshot of TEST Database on ANTXAVE1 finished successfully ( Action_ backup ) (11-09-2013, 15.25.06).eml"
Sending Message FAILED!
Getting same error.
I am also using a global config file. Please see attached. I do not think it is a firewall issue because the commands run just fine from the command line and I receive the emails. We are not using Windows firewall. I can telnet to 25. I have been also trying to use powershell and not luck there either. Is SnapCreator holding port 25 for something???
SC isnt doing anything with port 25
I would try without a global config just to troubleshoot
In addtion since this command is supposed to run on server, please use SERVER in cmd string. Also if commands are supposed to run on agent use AGENT. I wonder if command is being executed on agent.
SUCCESS_TRAP=SERVER: cmd /c "c:\SendMail\Sendmail -smtp -noauth 1 -noconfirm -sender -to -sub "INFO: Snapshot of TEST Database on ANTXAVE1 finished successfully ( Action: %ACTION )" -body "Snapshot of DB2 TEST Database completed successfully on ANTXAVE1.""
Now I am getting error Cannot run program “SERVER:cmd” : CreatePorcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified. I have tried it without the global config. The command is suppose to be run on the Server, this is where the SendMail program is.
I cannot run SERVER from the command line either get The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Again I can run from the command line just fine without SERVER doing starting with just cmd /c then the rest of the string.
I am also trying to run the process from the command line using snapcreator.exe --profile DB2antxave1 --action backup --policy daily --config TEST --user snapdrive --passwd and I keep getting
403 Forbidden at /<c:\Program Files\Netapp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer4.0p1\snapcreator.exe>SanpCreator/Service/ line 137
The snapdrive account is the Administrator account. Can you please help with error too?
after the SERVER: there is a space
like SERVER:space<command>
In order to troubleshoot the error, please look at the folder permissions (NTFS permissions) of the install folder.
c:\Program Files\Netapp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer4.0p1
You may provide us with the below
cacls "c:\Program Files\Netapp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer4.0p1"
Also, what is the service account you are running snapcreator as?
Using a space after SERVER: still getting Cannot run program “SERVER:”: CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified. Attached is the cacls. We are using a domain account with local admin rights to run snapcreator server. I did change this because we were also attempting to use powershell and it was suggested to use a domain account.
I believe I have finally resolved this issue. It all had to do with the JAVA version. I rebooted my server last night ant the service would not start. I found this in the Admin Guide. See Below. I installed the 64 bit version of JAVA. My OS is 64 bit and I have IE10. Now the service starts and I check my SendMail and it works.
Troubleshooting the Snap Creator start issue
The Snap Creator Server or the Windows service might not start.
You face this issue if Java is not installed or the wrong bit level or version of Java is installed. You
must install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 or later. You must ensure that the bit levels (32-bit
or 64-bit) of Java and Snap Creator are the same.
Error messages