Data Protection
Data Protection
There are 7 volume (1 lun a volume) on fas6280a, snapmirrored on fas6280b , that must be cloned to a test oracle machine (from secondary fas6280b...).
Backup is ok, snapmirror is ok ,first clone and lun map is ok, at second clone there is a strange behaviour..
from config file:
from debug logs:
start with cloning of “bin” volume
########## Secondary volume clone is enabled and using secondary details. ##########
[2013-10-09 18:54:29,841] INFO: Creating Volume Clone from Snapshot copy snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009185035 of fas6280b:sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,269] INFO: STORAGE-02036: Creating clone [cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035] of volume [sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin] based on Snapshot copy [snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009185035].
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,270] DEBUG: <volume-clone-create>
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,270] INFO: STORAGE-02037: Creating clone [cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035] of volume [sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin] based on Snapshot copy [snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009185035] finished successfully.
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,270] INFO: Successfully created volume clone from Snapshot copy sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin of fas6280b:sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,456] INFO: STORAGE-02050: Listing luns.
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,456] DEBUG: <lun-stats-list-info/>
Lun is onlined and mapped correctly
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,456] INFO: STORAGE-02051: Listing luns finished successfully.
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,456] INFO: Creating igroup map for /vol/cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035/q_oraprod6_dg_bin/oraprod6_dg_bin_001 on fas6280b:cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,583] INFO: STORAGE-03003: Making lun [q_oraprod6_dg_bin/oraprod6_dg_bin_001] online on vol [cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035].
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,583] DEBUG: <lun-online>
<path >/vol/cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035/q_oraprod6_dg_bin/oraprod6_dg_bin_001</path >
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,583] INFO: STORAGE-03004: Lun-online of lun [cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035] on vol [q_oraprod6_dg_bin/oraprod6_dg_bin_001] finished successfully.
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,701] INFO: STORAGE-02022: Mapping igroup [ig_as_lnx150_as_lnx151] on lun [/vol/cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035/q_oraprod6_dg_bin/oraprod6_dg_bin_001].
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,701] DEBUG: <lun-map>
<initiator-group >ig_as_lnx150_as_lnx151</initiator-group >
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,701] INFO: STORAGE-03000: Mapping igroup [ig_as_lnx150_as_lnx151] on lun [/vol/cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035/q_oraprod6_dg_bin/oraprod6_dg_bin_001] finished successfully.
[2013-10-09 18:54:33,703] INFO: Creating Volume Clone from Snapshot copy snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009185035 of fas6280b:sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_redo
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,037] INFO: STORAGE-02036: Creating clone [cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_redo_20131009185035] of volume [sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_redo] based on Snapshot copy [snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009185035].
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,037] DEBUG: <volume-clone-create>
The second clone was created (REDO volume)
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,037] INFO: STORAGE-02037: Creating clone [cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_redo_20131009185035] of volume [sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_redo] based on Snapshot copy [snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009185035] finished successfully.
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,037] INFO: Successfully created volume clone from Snapshot copy sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_redo of fas6280b:sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_redo
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,167] INFO: STORAGE-02050: Listing luns.
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,167] DEBUG: <lun-stats-list-info/>
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,167] INFO: STORAGE-02051: Listing luns finished successfully.
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,167] INFO: Creating igroup map for /vol/cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035/q_oraprod6_dg_bin/oraprod6_dg_bin_001 on fas6280b:cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,278] INFO: STORAGE-03003: Making lun [q_oraprod6_dg_bin/oraprod6_dg_bin_001] online on vol [cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraqual6_dg_bin_20131009185035].
[2013-10-09 18:54:37,278] ERROR: netapp.manage.NaAPIFailedException: LUN is not currently offline (errno=9015)
Why works again with BIN lun !!! and not with redo lun ?????????
what's happened? a bug?
Solved! See The Solution
This is a bug resolved with snapcreator 4.1 (about to be released).
The system expects more luns on the same volumes. With one lun for volume it gets confused..
Looks like you gave us config file from prod but the logs from qual.
From the IAG,
Please let me know the behavior after this modification.
Siva Ramanathan
Snap Creator Community Moderator
i've modified the variable.
I'm not able to try the "clonevol" action due to impossibility to shutdown database (offline backup on production).
i would like to test with the "mount" action using existing snapshot. (pre and post mount are similar to pre post clone)
When i run the "mount" action i can choose only snapshots from source machine ..
it searches from souce machine fas6280a and not from the secondary fas6280b
INFO: Creating Volume Clone from Snapshot copy snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009185035 of fas6280a:sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraprod6_dg_sibapp
Volume 'sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraprod6_dg_sibapp' was not found (in fact the volume is on fas6280b !!!!)
The relationship is managed by DFM:
I don't konw what i should insert in "SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES=" variables (should i use it ??)
(This is the list of source storage systems and volumes on which you want to perform a SnapMirror update,)
I've tried with
but i have the same problems..
The Snap Creator GUI mount action will let you choose the source filer / volume / snapshot only.
But, with the above two options, your mount workflow knows that it has to clone from the secondary volume.
Please try with the above option (may be start with only volume), and let me know the results.
You may email me a scdump to sivar at so that I can review.
Mauro Cesarano
Sinergy S.p.A. Svizzera 185
10149 Torino
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Inviato: martedì 15 ottobre 2013 16:03
A: Cesarano Mauro
Oggetto: - Re: clonevol action failed on NTAP_CLONE_IGROUP_MAP
Re: clonevol action failed on NTAP_CLONE_IGROUP_MAP
created by Siva Ramanathan<> in Snap Creator - View the full discussion<>
The Snap Creator GUI mount action will let you choose the source filer / volume / snapshot only.
But, with the above two options, your mount workflow knows that it has to clone from the secondary volume.
Please try with the above option (may be start with only volume), and let me know the results.
You may email me a scdump to sivar at so that I can review.
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we have seen that the action "mount" is not scheduled to make “NTAP_CLONE_SECONDARY”
But we need to "mount" on secondary ….
We have modified (green in what we have added..)
We tested the mount action, with errors..:
########## Secondary volume clone is enabled and using secondary details. ##########
[2013-11-05 17:04:03,770] INFO: Source controller fas6280b not configured for cloning, skipping
[2013-11-05 17:04:03,770] INFO: Creating Volume Clone from Snapshot copy snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009181433 of fas6280a:sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraprod6_dg_sibapp
[2013-11-05 17:04:03,879] INFO: STORAGE-02036: Creating clone [cl_oracle_sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraprod6_dg_sibapp_20131105170403] of volume [sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraprod6_dg_sibapp] based on Snapshot copy [snapC_DWH-weekly_20131009181433].
[2013-11-05 17:04:03,879] ERROR: netapp.manage.NaAPIFailedException: Volume 'sm_as_lnx150_as_lnx151_oraprod6_dg_sibapp' was not found. (errno=13040)
VOLUMES and SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES parameter should reflect primary volumes only not secondary. The purpose of SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES is to indicate which primary volumes or subset should be snapmirrored.
The only parameter which has secondary information is NTAP_CLONE_SECONDARY_VOLUMES. This maps primary to secondary in case of secondary cloning.
It looks like you may have a configuration issue?
Hello Mauro,
If you are still looking for help with this, please email me directly to sivar at
I can work with you on this.
Siva Ramanathan
This is a bug resolved with snapcreator 4.1 (about to be released).
The system expects more luns on the same volumes. With one lun for volume it gets confused..