Data Protection

What is the DP Glue plugin?


Noticed a new plugin in the SC Community Toolchest.


It is called DP Glue 1.0 .


Did some research. Did some thinking too.


When you download the package, there is a large readme file.  


It would appear this product permits SnapProtect to call SnapCreator using the "sc_glue.exe" executable. It seems SnapProtect can ask DP Glue to quiesce and unquiesce the apps that SC supports like PostgreSQL -- which SnapProtect has no agent for.


The readme argues that the DP Glue makes error codes coming from SC easier for SP admins to comprehend.


What I do not like is that this is still listed as BETA code. And that SnapProtect can only have SC quiesce and unquiesce apps/dbs.  Then again, I guess this keeps SP in charge of the snapshot process.


I will keep watching this one.





Version 1.1.2 now



It says


This installment of DPGLUE provides the necessary programs to upload to SnapCenter directly for Windows. It contains programs to serve as a Linux plugin also with indirect upload steps. This version provide a means to protect particular data located on WIN/LIN hosts which have only local storage for files and applications by means of SnapCenter. The plug-in allows for local hosts to use ONTAP NFS/CIFS as NAS target to replicate their Direct Attached Storage (“DAS”) filesystems to. This provides with SnapCenter GUI-base restore of directories and files from the SnapCenter catalog because ONTAP FlexVolumes are snapshot’d at the completion of the DPGLUE backup. Also, new to this release, it allows for local hosts to use SolidFire VOL-iSCSI as LUN target to replicate their Direct Attached Storage (“DAS”) filesystems too; notable is its capability to snapshot a SolidFire volume, especially when that volume is a LUN serving as a DPGLUE backup target. Admins can combine DPGLUE with existing SnapCenter application/database plug-ins that use SolidFire Volumes. Remember the Administration interface of SnapCenter allows another snap tools to be used instead of the default snapshot tool that comes with SnapCenter. The default tool assumes ONTAP as the storage provider for the application; while using DPGLUE as the optional snapshot tool – applications/database plug-ins gain advantages of deploying on SolidFire. The flushing of DAS and iSCSI SF LUN filesystems data to disk is provided as well. RestfulAPI and Powershell are both options in this first step in expanding the power of SnapCenter to SolidFire / Element!


