I am trying to copy the hosts I have in an E2860 to a new E5760.
I have extracted the information using get-nehost but am struggling with the format for the
new-nehost command
I get this error whether I use a variable or manually specify the value
new-nehost -Credential $NECred4 -SystemId 1 -name $name.name -Ports "20000025B50B003C" -HostType VmwTPGSALUA
New-NeHost : Cannot bind parameter 'Ports'. Cannot convert the "20000025B50B003C" value of type "System.String" to type "NetApp.PowerShell.TO.HostPortCreateRequest"
I get the same issue with hosttype.
The help page refers to the option as
-Ports [<List<HostPortCreateRequest>>]
But I have not found a way of doing this.
Has anyone done this and could give me an example of the correct syntax.