EF & E-Series, SANtricity, and Related Plug-ins
EF & E-Series, SANtricity, and Related Plug-ins
Hi E-Series Users,
Been exploring the SANtricity Webservices Proxy in order to collect performance metrics from my E-Series Systems, and heavily inspired by Chris Madden's NetApp Harvest I created a metrics collector and a grafana dashboard.
This is a work in progress but would like to see other people giving it a try and feedback any ideas (and why not pull requests)
Enough said, go ahead and check out my github repo
Awesome work @PabloZorzoli!
I fired it up in my lab and works like a charm:
We'll have to see how we can collaborate on this one 🙂
Chris Madden
Solution Architect - 3rd Platform - Systems Engineering NetApp EMEA (and author of Harvest)
Blog: It all begins with data
Hi Pablo,
I'm running NABox 2.3 with Harvest 1.3.
Do you think I can tweak the image to include also the E-series monitoring into it?
Since I have 2 E-5660 running 11.30, I should not have to use SANtricity Web proxy.
If you think this could be useful I can try to plug those into my Harvest setup.
Thanks, Thomas.
hi @ds
I'm not familiar with that style. I'm also a harvest user for my ontap systems, but I deployed it directly installed via source code files.
Michael Price from netapp has contributed a Dockerized version of the app: https://github.com/plz/E-Series-Graphite-Grafana#docker
Maybe that thing simplifies the way you can deploy my collector.
Good luck
I'm not seeing the counters in the collector but I know they're there from the Web Proxy... is anyone tracking used/free disk/pool space with this? If so, how did you add the counter/collector?
Thanks for the great work.